12| Always Remember Us This Way

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As we walked through the abandoned warehouse district Barry explained to the this was where he was keeping the man that killed his mother, Eobard Thawne. I was surprised that he had been keeping this man locked away for the past six months.

"This is it." Barry started as we stopped in front of the almost collapsing warehouse. There was a double meaning to his words that I couldn't ignore, and although that initial fear remained I had now accepted what needed to be done.

"Can I just ask you something?" I questioned needing to know exactly what situation my sister would find herself in once the timeline returned to it's original state.

"Of course."

"What was my relationship with my sister like?"

Barry seemed to hesitate for a moment, before seeming to settle in the right words to say. "Honestly, you two were just getting to know each other. You had only just learned that she existed."

I nodded at the knowledge, before looking Barry in the eyes. "Barry promise me that when you go back you'll take care of her."

"I promise." Barry assured me, as he glanced back at the warehouse doors. "When we go in there he's going to tell you things. Don't listen to anything he has to say."

"Alright." I replied, until a sudden thought came to mind as he was about to open the door. "Barry wait."

"What is it?"

"Once we're in their we probably won't get a proper goodbye." I stated as I took a step closer to him. "You told me you never had a chance to say good-bye."

"What?" Barry questioned and the look in his eyes could only be described as broken. I knew that he needed this, he wouldn't be able to continue without this moment that I was going to give him.

"You said you never got a chance to say good-bye to her." I repeated, trying my best to keep my emotions in check. "Well now is your chance."

Barry shook his head and looked away from me. "I don't know if I can."

"Well it's now or never." I reminded him and before I even had a chance to think Barry's lips were pressed against mine. Without a second thought I kissed him back and the moment I did Barry wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. He kissed me with a desperation I had never known, and in this moment I understood just how much he loved her, Knowing that he wasn't going to do it I placed my hands on my chest slowly pulling away.

"I love you Diane Crock." He told me, looking at me like he was trying to memorize every detail of my face. "I always will."

"And I love you Barry Allen." I said, telling him what he need to here. Hoping those were the words his Diane would say to comfort him. "Never forget that."

"Wait." Barry stated as he slipped his hand inside the pockets of his jeans. The velvet box once again held towards and I immediately knew that I couldn't accept it.

"Barry I can't."

"It's yours. Only yours." Barry continued but I simply placed my hand on top of his, curling his fingers around the small box. "I can't imagine anyone else having that ring. It was meant for you."

"You say that now, but I promise you that's going to change." I muttered trying to get rid of the lump in my throat finding myself about to cry. "You have to promise me that you are going to move on. That your going to try to be happy again with whoever that may be. That your going to take care of my sister. And that you will never stop being the hero you are. Promise me."

Barry shook his head as he looked away, and I immediately lifted his chin up with my finger forcing him to meet my eyes

"Barry, promise me."

He looked into my eyes for a moment, seeming lost as the second ticked by. "I promise."

"Now." I ordered knowing that we didn't have a second to lose, Barry was already having a hard time standing on his feet as it was. I pushed the doors open as I wrapped Barry's arm around me shoulders as we walked through the dim warehouse towards the man in a yellow suit standing within a glass and iron cage. The man stood when we approached clearly satisfied at seeing Barry in this state.

"Having a bad day, Barr?" Thawne asked Barry before his eyes focused on me. A malicious look in his eyes, that I had seen in many other's before him. "Well if it isn't the would have been future Mrs. Allen. I have to say I never thought I'd see you this way Tigress. Where I come from you are know as one of the most feared villains in history."

I held the man's eyes not wanting to show him how much his words seemed to have effected me, regardless if they were true. "Barry told me not to listen to anything you say."

"Oh. That's just bad advice. Cause I'm the answer man." He mocked before chuckling to himself as he turned his attention back to Barry. "I am the answer to all your prayers. All you need to do is ask me, Barry."

"We need to go back in time." Barry replied and it was clear how much it hurt him to say the words. "To that night."

"To do what?" Thawne asked coldly seeming to want to take advantage of the power that he now held.

Barry's eyes filled with a rage that I had never seen from him, and I couldn't expect less for the man that killed his mother. "You know what I need you to do."

"Yeah. But I want to hear you say it."

"I need you to kill my mother." Barry finally said as his voice cracked and tears began to building in his eyes.

Thawne smirked at the words. "With pleasure."

"I hate you." Barry uttered through gritted teeth.

"And I hate you. And I sometimes wonder which of us is right." Thawne replied his own hatred during just as bright as Barry's. I felt as Barry slipped a pair of keys in my hand, and without looking back at him I stepped forward an unlocked Thawne's cage. As he stepped out he stopped before me and a knowing smirk took shape. "Don't worry this isn't the end of your story."

Not willing to give him the satisfaction of replying I simply went back to Barry's side. "Remember what you promised."

Barry nodded as he looked into my eyes, for what was going to be the last time. There was nothing more to say, we already said our goodbyes. All I could do was offer Barry one last smile as he struggled to make his way towards Thawne who was waiting impatiently towards the exit of the warehouse.

"God, I wish I could kill you." I heard Thawne tell Barry quietly as he violently pulled on the collar of Barry's shirt. "But today I get to be the hero."

In a second they were gone, and I wondered how long it would be until this reality all fell away, but there was nothing else for me to do. All I could do now was hope that I gave Barry that peace that he needed. The push he needed to move on. And although I wasn't going to be there to see it I knew he was going to continue to great things.


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