02| Someone Like You

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Everything so far was the way that it was supposed to be. I had everything that I wanted.

Almost everything.

The last six months have been all that I dreamed of. Being with my mom and dad again. Going back in time and saving me mom from Eobard Thawne was supposed to be the best decision that I have ever made. This was what my life should have been. And although from the little I knew of this timeline everything seemed drastically different.

A part of me wanted to be content with everything that I had now. Considering that I decided to change to timeline in order to get back the people that I loved. Yet, there was still a darkness and guilt over what was happening all around the world.

In this timeline the world was at war. A war that I would have never imagines considering that I knew nothing about Amazons and Atlanteans. Two godlike groups of beings at war with each other while the rest of the planet was caught in the crossfire.

That wasn't supposed to happen. Saving my mother wasn't supposed to cause such destructive changes. My only consolation was that this war had to be inevitable. Even in my timeline this would have happened sooner or later. In the case of this timeline it happened a lot sooner.

There was nothing I could to to fix the war, because changing the timeline cack simply just wasn't an option. Because that would mean that I would have to release Thawne and that I would lose everything all over again. I wasn't going to let that happen.

I hadn't even built up the courage to look for Diane, Cisco and Caitlin. Not even Joe and Iris were a part of my life anymore, but I was determined to change that. I knew they were all living here in Central City and after five months of pushing it back it was time that I got them back.

A part of me wanted to look into their lives and investigate everything that they have been through in this timeline, but it somehow felt like cheating. Especially when it came to Diane.

I don't want everything about our new life together to be built on lies. She fell in love with me once and I was sure that it would happen again.

And I didn't need lie my way into her life.


I walked into Jitters, a part of me hoping that I would find Iris here and that she would help me. That is if she even believed a word I said.

And now that I thought this situation through, maybe it was better if I didn't tell anyone about the changes I made to the timeline. It would only complicate things and give them a burden that they didn't deserve.

I scanned the coffee shop for a familiar face until be eyes landed on her. Seeing her was not what I expected, I simply wasn't ready.

For a moment I stood there looking at her. She looked different.

Not just physically considering that she currently had her natural brunette hair, but there was a look in her eyes that seemed different. Even the way she carried herself was different from the Diane that I knew.

But she was still Diane. That's all that mattered.

She was intently talking to one of the baristas at the counter, and although I couldn't see the other girl's face it was clear that they were friends.

Without thinking I walked over to her, having absolutely no idea what to say. I knew that if I said the wrong thing I could ruin any possible chance that I had with her. She could just be that complicated.

I hadn't realized what I was doing or how close I was to her until she turned around. Time seemed to go slower than usual for me as I watched step back to avoid running into me, almost dropping the tray of coffees that she had in her hand. I was about to reach out and help her, but she regained her balance too quickly.

Though I shouldn't be surprised she was a former member of the League of Assassins. I was sure that hadn't changed, even if so much seemed that it did.

She looked at me for a moment with a look of irritation that I knew all to well. It was a look that I learned to love regardless of what it meant. And although she was clearly irritated by me at the moment that didn't stop my heart from leaping out of my chest.

Because she was here. She was in front of me.

And she was alive.

It took every bit of self- control not to reach out and touch her. But if she was anything like the Diane I knew she would break my arm the second I did. I had to remind myself that she had no idea who I was.

"I'm sorry." I said after a moment when I realized that she was leaving. "I should have watched where I was going."

Her phone rand and she immediately went rigid, the sound seeming to stress her. I wanted to knew what was causing her so much stress or anger.

"Clearly." She muttered before turning away and walking out of the Jitters.

I stood there frozen in place. That was definitely not how I expected our first interaction to be like. But, maybe I shouldn't have almost spilled her coffee. All I could do was watch her cross the street until she disappeared in the crowd.

"Trust me you're not her type." I heard someone say and I turned around to find another familiar face.

"Kendra?" I asked her completely stunned. She was supposed to be out with the rest of the Legends. Instantly I began thinking about how much this change had affected other people that I knew. Of course I knew that things would be different, but I had no doubt in my mind that I would get back all the people that I loved back.

Now, I was beginning to question how certain I was now. This was going to be a lot more difficult than I initially thought it would.

She looked down at her name tag and then back at me. "You can read, congratulations." She said with a smile as she looked at me expectantly. "So...can I get you anything?"

End of Barry's POV


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