03| Kid Flash

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Walking into Francisco Ramon's office I had to fight the urge of rolling my eyes at seeing his new girlfriend of the week sitting on his lap. It had come to the point where I had stopped trying to remember their names. 

"Your coffee." I stated placing the still hot cup of coffee on his desk.

"Great. Now finish your report it's due tonight at 5." He replied not bothering to look up at me. The both of us had an odd relationship where in professional terms I shouldn't treat him with so much disrespect no matter how much of a horrible human being he was. But he always allows me to occasionally make less than professional remarks at him.

Refraining from saying anything I stepped out of his office to find a sudden commotion in the lobby. Our secretary was arguing with some woman that I recognized as Iris West-Thawne, Central City's star journalist. 

"How can I help you?" I asked her only out of curiosity. One could only wonder why she seemed so desperate, while the boy beside her seemed incredibly excited and happy. 

"I need to speak with Francisco Ramon." Iris West stated firmly, and it was clear she wasn't planning on taking no for an answer. 

I knew there was no way that Ramon was going to accept having an unscheduled meeting with her, but I wanted to entertain the idea. "If your looking for a story. You aren't going to find one. Not here."

"I'm not here following a story. I'm here for my brother." She continued as she looked over at her sibling. "He was in a coma and..."

"We don't do medical work here." I stated and was about to walk away before she got a hold of my wrist. Looking down at her hand wrapped firmly around my wrist, I simply looked at her and she didn't hesitate to let go.

"Sorry. I just don't know where else to go. I think  he was affected by the Particle Accelerator explosion. He has powers now." She whispered, now seeming a little more defeated. "I don't know what to do."

I didn't know what to do with this new information. Or if Ramon would accept helping them at all. "Alright. Follow me."

"Thank you." Iris said with a sigh of relief as she and her brother filled after me. I didn't bother knocking as I entered Ramon's office where he was receiving a back massage from his new friend.

"What's this?" He asked as he looked at me with irritation. 

"I think that you should listen to what they have to say." I told him firmly, before looking over at the girl standing behind his chair. "You should go."

The girl looked at me is disbelief before turning to Ramon who had a neutral expression.  "Just go, I'll call you later."

We all waited for a moment before the girl left the room. I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to tell him, or what I could possibly say that would convince him to help

"This better be good."

"This is Iris West-Thawne and..."

"Wally West." The boy said quickly with the same excited smile on his face. 

"It seems that Wally here is a metahuman." I began trying to seem as confident about this situation as possible, though I had my doubts about what we could do to help the two siblings. 


"So, we need your help in controlling and understanding his powers." Iris demanded, not wanting to play along with Ramon's game. 

"What are your powers?" Ramon asked, looking like he could be less interested in anything that Wally could show him. Suddenly Wally's hand began to vibrate at a rapid pace to the point where it was only a blur. Ramon suddenly stood up from his chair moving to the other side of the room in horror. 

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