13| Long Way Home

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*Start of Barry's POV*

Suddenly, I was on Joe front porch still feeling a numbness and ache in my chest. When I saved my mother and created Flashpoint I thought I would never have to experience the death of my mother on that night again. But I had no choice, I had to save Wally even if that meant losing some of the people I loved most all of again.

"There we go. Things are back to how they should be. Well, for me, anyway. For you..." He continued with a chuckle. "Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and find out."

"What?" I questioned his words bringing me back to reality and this moment. "What does that mean?"

A satisfied smile came across his lips and I had to bit back the urge to kill him. "See you sometime soon, Flash."

I stood there for a moment after he left, thinking about what he could have possibly meant. But came to the conclusion that he was simply trying to get in my head. Without another moments hesitation I opened the door to find Wally standing in the living room. I felt a rush of relief as I walked over to the youngest West and gave him a tight hug.

"What's this for?" Wally questioned, as he hesitantly hugged me back.

As I pulled back I saw just how confused he seemed, and although I knew he should feel confused I was simply happy that he was okay. "Just glad you're here."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am now." I replied with a smile. "Yeah."

"You just lost your father, Barry." Joe stated as he walked into the room handing Wally and I a beer. "You don't have to be okay."

Of course I still felt my father's loss, but oddly enough those six months in Flashpoint with him and my mother seemed to have allowed my to accept losing them both. I felt the same about Diane. She was right. Of course she was right. Being allowed to say goodbye was allowing me to let go. "Actually, I feel closer to my parents than I ever have."

"Well, good, son."

"To your pops." Wally said as he held up his beer.

"To my Dad." I replied as we all took a drink from our beers. Then I realized that something felt off. And as I

"Where's Iris?"

"That ain't funny." Joe tensed at the mention of Iris' name and seemed to direct a small amount of anger towards me. "I'm gonna chalk that up to grief. I'll see you both in the morning."

Without another word Joe made his way upstairs, and a feeling of dread washed over the relief I felt only moments ago. Thawne's warning beginning to ring in the back of my mind, but the thought of something bad happening to Iris shadowed it over. I turned to Wally who also seemed slightly irritated, which furthered my worry. "What was that about?"

"Are you kidding me?" He questioned, but my confused expression seemed to have answered his question. "You know Iris isn't here."


"They don't talk, Barry." Wally further explained his mood seeming to sour too, but regardless of his mood I just felt relief that it wasn't anything more serious. "You know that."

I didn't that was the problem. Thawne's work began to finally sink in as I began to understand what he meant. Although I restored the timeline it wasn't exactly the same, of course it wasn't. The question now was exactly how much had changed.

"What about Jade?" I questioned hoping that what I had done hadn't effected her too. The thought of breaking my promise to Diane so quickly was one that I couldn't accept.

Wally looked up at me then in surprise, and I felt another sinking feeling in my stomach. "What do you mean?"

"Where's Jade?" I continued a slightly panicked tone breaking through my voice, and I was beginning to become aware of how out of my mind I probably seemed. "Is she okay?"

"Why do you ask me?" Wally replied as he took a seat on Joe's favorite arm chair. A distant look came over his face as he continued to explain. "You know she doesn't like me. In fact I think she hates me."

"Hates you!" I practically yelled before I realized that I was thinking about the Flashpoint timeline. The image of Wally and Jade still clear in my mind, they seemed happy together, and I had forgotten that wasn't the case here. In fact I couldn't remember many instances when they had spoken, even when Diane was still with us.

"What's going on with you Barry?"

I shook my head still stunned about the situation with Joe and Iris. Now I had to find a way to get closer to Jade, and I had no clue where to begin. "I'm just worried about her. "

"She lost her sister. If she wasn't cold before... well you know how she's been." Wally stated and I nodded numbly, though I had know idea if she had changed in the last six months. I did know how much losing Diane effected her, they were just beginning to know each other and now they never would.

"Yeah... I know." I said thinking about what we could all possibly do to make her less cold and reserved. "What do you think we could do to help her?"

"Honestly, I have no clue."

"Maybe you should talk to her."I suggested, earning a look of disbelief from Wally who looked at me as if I had suddenly sprouted wings. "I mean you both are the same age. Maybe you can connect... or something."

"Or something?" Wally repeated as he set his beer down on the table. "What part about 'I think she hates me' don't you understand?"

I was unsure of why Wally seemed so defensive and flustered as we talked about Diane's sister. Then I realized that just because the two weren't together in this timeline that there wasn't potential for there to be one. And Wally at least seemed a little interested. "Do you like her?"

"What? No!" Wally quickly replied in a tone that was both flustered and irritated as he stood. "Gross. I'm going to bed. Are you coming up?"

I was confused for a moment before I realized that I probably moved back to Joe's. I suppose it would make sense, I couldn't imagine sleeping in the apartment that Diane and I shared. There were to many painful memories. "Ugh...I'll be right after you."

"Whatever you say." Wally said as he slowly walked upstairs angrily muttering to himself.  "Like Jade? Please. He's lost his mind."

It wasn't until I was alone that the weight of what I had done seemed to come down on me in full force. I had no idea of just how much had changed, I could only hope that those changes were ones that were easily fixed.

"Oh God." I muttered in disbelief as allowed myself to fall back on the couch. "What have I done?"

*End of Barry's POV*


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