Sometime in the Future

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Sometime in the future, you'll think to yourself about me,
You'll see all my flaws and everything I've told you will become nothing but ashes.

Sometime in the future, I won't be "cute" anymore,
I'll just be annoying and attached to you when it wasn't supposed to happen in the first place.

Sometime in the future I know you will have had enough of me,
that's when you start to tell me you're busy and you'll talk to me later but you never do.

Sometime in the future, you will no longer keep your promises to me,
as that cigarette touches your lips once more and you kiss the face of sorrow.

Sometime in the future I will no longer be able to make you smile and laugh,
the once beautiful smile I came to know vanished when we said goodbye.

Sometime in the future you'll think about me,
you'll tell yourself you should've fought harder to keep her in your life.
You should've loved her with everything you've got.

Excerpts From A Book I Will Never Write; The LifeWhere stories live. Discover now