You're Not in Love //Excerpt

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If yelling at her in an argument doesn't make your throat burn like you just downed six shots,
You're not in love with her.
if her eyes can't make you stop in your tracks and think about what you are about to say next,
you're not in love with her.
If her laugh doesn't make you tense up your knuckles thinking about never hearing it again,
you're not in love with her.
If it only hurts her when she cries,
you're not in love with her.
If her voice can't calm your worst anxiety attacks and make you want to listen to anything she has to say,
you're not in love with her.
If her smile doesn't make your chest quake and your lungs shrink but feel refreshed all in one motion,
you're not in love with her.
If her taking of her clothes off is when you pay the most attention to her,
you're not in love with her at all.

Excerpts From A Book I Will Never Write; The LifeWhere stories live. Discover now