It's Funny

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What you ask?

It's funny that I have never experienced heart break, but I've heard enough to imagine what it's like. I've heard it's terrible, it's a drowning feeling, it's pain.

It's waking up in the middle of the night with a bad dream and wanting their voice to comfort you, only to realize they aren't there anymore.

It's wanting to kiss their lips one last time, because you felt like you were drowning and they were your air.

It's the first time you touched, and your mind was exploding with fireworks and happiness, but their touch is no longer yours.

It's laughing together and smiling and falling in love all over again, only now, it's seeing them and avoiding eye contact just so you aren't emotional.

It's fighting and arguments and the "I love yous'" until you no longer see why you fell in love with them in the first place.

It's holding on to them when they're about to leave, begging them not to go, with tears in your eyes saying, "Remember all the good times."

It's when they walk out your door and you're in shock, so all you could do is stand there and look at the door. Not believing what just happened.

And it seems as though you threw yourself into La La Land, only to come crashing down in a forgotten wasteland.

Now the smiles don't mean anything anymore, they have turned into a sad picture.

Now the laughter doesn't mean anything anymore, they have turned into sad songs.

Now the fights and all the arguments make you wish you fought harder to keep them.

Now the door they walked out of is just another door people come in from.

But isn't it ironic?
Isn't it ironic that I haven't even mentioned a name and yet you're thinking of that person?

Isn't it funny, how you thought they were your whole world, but you've moved on.

And isn't it ironic that I have never experienced heart break, but here I am telling you how it feels when the one you love is now just a memory.

Excerpts From A Book I Will Never Write; The LifeWhere stories live. Discover now