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(Hyuwi's POV)

Today, our master makes a sudden judo evaluation. He expects a lot from us three, especially Yejoo. Yejoo is the country's representative for about 5 years already. Mingzhou and I are both good too, but Mingzhou likes dancing better. But, she want to be with us so she refused to take the music course.

Suddenly, everyone clap their hands so I do it too even I don't know what is it for. Oh, Yejoo just finished her evaluation. I just can't concentrate.

(2 hours ago)


I ran to Seonyeon unnie who has her headphones on. She didn't seems to hear me at all so I yelled. I managed to grab her hand.

"What's wrong with you?" She took off her headphones and stare at me.

I pant and took times to breath properly. "Where is Junhee unnie? I want to ask her something?" "She went home already, just ask me. What is it?" Seonyeon unnie rarely smiles. But, that doesn't mean she is bad or what, she is just a Dandere. She smiles a lot when she with Seolmin unnie and Junhee unnie.

"That... You know there is a new student... that trans...ferred to..day.. I heard he.. he ta..takes.. music cour..course" I stuttered and my face is really red now. I can't even look at Seonyeon unnie's eyes.

"Yes, Chae Hocheol right? He just gave the application form to Junhee just now." She smirked and continued, "Why? Are you--"

"Bye, unnie!!! Thanks for the information! I love you so much!"

(Flashback Ends)



I jump in utter shock. "Ye..Yes?" I stutter and look at my Judo master. "It's your turn," he said.

I don't move at all, which makes both Mingzhou and Yejoo poke my waist. I curl my fist and lower my head.

"Han Hyuwi."

"I'm out." I stand up and then my bestfriends look at me, eyes widened. "I'm sorry, sir. I have to catch my dream." With that, I bow and walk out from the hall.

Yejoo and Mingzhou look at each other, probably speaking through their minds. They nod and both get up.

"We'll out too."

The Judo Master is totally blank. Everything is too complicated that his brain can't even process what actually happened. Maybe he can't accept the fact that he just lost his 3 good students.

"What-- Why?"

(Music Studio)

"It's too embarassing!" said Yejoo. It's really embarrassing to suddenly barge in with your judo uniform on. "Why? We are close with all of them," Mingzhou pulls Yejoo hand.



"Wh--Why are you guys looking at us like that?" Hyuwi chuckles after seeing each of the Music Course students' blank expression.

"What are you doing here?" Yongkwon asks. "We are joining this course!" answers Hyuwi brightly. Yejoo just facepalms herself.


"Why? You guys don't like it?" Mingzhou pouts. She blinks her eyes repeatedly.

"No, of course not." Eunsun smiles awkwardly.

"Wow. I know you will be here someday! Are you joining for me or what?" Sunghyun clings his hand on Yejoo's shoulder. "What." Yejoo answers which makes Yonghyun goes 'pffttt'

Hocheol looks at Hyuwi. He still remembers all things she did before.

(Dance Practice Room, Doha's POV)

"Hye," I greet the guys and sit beside a boy I believe is in his third year. "Hye sunbae," he bows slightly. "What?" "I am Lee Changmin, a junior. I look a bit old for my age so it's ok if you're mistaken," he smiles widely, probably so used with this situation. I nod.

"Why are you guys still not practicing?" I ask him. "The leader still not here so, we have to wait first," he answers. "Oh.. That Bong Junhee you mean?" "No, our leader is Yonghyun hyung. He is the dance team's leader and he is in 2nd year now, a year younger than you," lol. If you know my real age you will say, a lot younger than you... ==|

"She is the vice president right? Who is the president?" I ask again.

"We don't have a president. Actually, we have one before. But, he moved to another school." He doesn't look like he want to tell me anything but I'm just curious so I change the conversation to an interview session.

"I am curious, why did you guys stop joining any music competition anymore?" He stays silent for a while.

"Our ex-president is the most talented music student here, so the principal trusts him a lot. He and Junhee noona worked a lot to raise the music course and finally we became the best course in this school. You can say we are the pride of Mesa High School. One day, he found the showcase and we are chosen to perform. It was the best showcase that only really populars can join so we are all working hard to prepare. The day we have to perform, we are told that he moved to Victory High School and his participation in the showcase was cut. The principal put all the mistake to Junhee noona. He stopped us to join because he didn't trust us without the president. Junhee noona was the most depressed that time.. because she was the one who worked hard a lot and she still thinks that all that happened is her mistake. So that's why we stopped joining, the school doesn't trust us at all." Changmin explains with his voice shaking a lot. I can feel the sadness through his voice.

"Mind tell me, who was the president?"

"It's Yoongi Hyung. Min Yoongi."

(Eunsun's POV)

We eat together again during recess today and I can see the relationship between members are kinda upgraded.

I can see the new 5 boys and the cute junior are getting along well with us. Yejoo, Mingzhou and Hyuwi are already close with us so, there's not really a problem.

I know there are some members who like each other.

I can see Seolmin and Seonghwan stealing glances to each other. AGAIN.

I can see Mijoo and Youngdoo flirting with each other. AGAIN.

I can see Jaemin and Seonyeon busy talking to each other, like they are in their own world with no one else besides them. AGAIN.

I can see Sunghyun try to take Yejoo's attention. AGAIN.

I can see Hyuwi has been staring to Hocheol the whole time. NOT AGAIN (since it was his first day today)

I can see Mingzhou looking at her phone again and again and I know she is waiting for someone's call.

I can see Inho and Junhee, both act cold to each other.

And I... I have no one.

"You have a pretty smile."

Oh, maybe.... I have one.


Chapter Six Updated!
Thanks a lot for keep reading my lame story 😂😂😂

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