14- Hocheol pt.1

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(Hocheol's POV)

They are my classmates... What a bad luck I have. I never thought that I will breathe the same air with those people again.

I hate them.


Suddenly, all girls in my class are out to hallway. The boys hiss in annoyance. I ask my seatmate, Woojin.

"Does superstar came?"

"A little bit lower," he answers before continuing his korean essay.

I look someone passes by our door and he is incredibly good-looking. My eyes don't even blink. The girls screams get louder.

"He is not that handsome."

I thought all the girls are fangirling out there, but she is still here, sitting calmly. She looks at me. I immediately change my eyes direction.

Damn... Han Hyuwi is scary.

(Evening, after school ends)

"Hyuwi, do you want to go home with me? I can send you home," said Yejoo. Hyuwi shakes her head.

"No, I will just walk." She grins.

Hyuwi walks while looking her surroundings to see her schoolmates. After walking like 400 meters, a luxury car appears. She gets in the car quickly not wanting anyone to notice.

Hocheol, who is hiding behind a wall smirks. How lucky... He was buying foods but then he saw someone familiar and decided to follow her. It turns out to be Han Hyuwi, one of his bullies back then.

"I just got my hidden card."

Hyuwi put her seatbelt on.

"Why did you take me?"

"Mr Lee is sick, he can't take you." Hyunuk, the school heartthrob aka Hyuwi's older brother replies.

"What if the others see? Gosh, I'm not a kid. I can't walk to home by myself."

"Say that to mom."

Hyunuk sighs. Their relationship got bad when Hyuwi entered the same middle school as him. As he grew up, his visual became better. On the very first day in middle school, the girls were gathered around Hyuwi, forced her to be their friends and did everything to get Hyuwi's attention so they can attract Hyunuk. Hyuwi really hates attention. She was fine with that but it became worse each days that she didn't want to attend school anymore.

When she entered high school, she already told Hyunuk to keep their relationship as a secret and never speak to her in school. They act like strangers. Even in home, they rarely talk. Hyuwi doesn't even feel comfortable to be around with her brother anymore.

"Fine, I won't take you anymore. Go home with Yejoo or Mingzhou next time." Hyunuk speaks as they arrived home. Hyuwi gets out from the car.

Hyuwi goes to her room and throw her backpack. She lies on the bed while massaging her forehead.

What if others know we are siblings...

She hisses.

Still remembers how the girls bullied her like tigers like she is their prey. They cut her hair, ripped her uniform and dumped her foods and things in dustbin like trashes.

But, Hyunuk never helped.

Maybe, he didn't know because the girls did that when he hasn't around but they did talk bad about her in front of Hyunuk. And he just remained silent.

Starting there, she doesn't want to talk again with her brother.


"Where are you going?" Mom asks Hyuwi as she sees Hyuwi in hoodie and getting her shoes.

"Buy snacks," she answers shortly.

"Do you want me to drive you there?" Hyunuk asks.

"No, it's not that far. I go first, bye." She walks out without turning her head.

After less than 10 minutes, she arrives at the hypermarket. She just walks around there to find something tasty.

Then, she sees someone walking to her direction but the person is so busy looking at a piece of paper. Hyuwi standing right in front him in purpose. Then, the person hits Hyuwi with the trolley.

"OMG I'm so sorry!" He shouts while covering his mouth.

Hyuwi holds her laughter at Hocheol's panicked face.

"Han Hyuwi?" Hocheol's expression  changes to an annoyed one.

Hyuwi looks into Hocheol's trolley. "Corns? Why did you buy too many? Are you a goat?"

"Do goats eat corn?" Hocheol innocently asks which makes Hyuwi bursts. "Are you stupid?"  She laughes.

"I'm buying it for Youngdoo hyung!" Hocheol's face turns red. Hyuwi stops laughing. "You still get bullied?"

"I'm not, he will pay me back later." He rolls his eyes.

Hocheol ends up sitting with Hyuwi at a Coffee Shop after getting forced by Hyuwi.

"Why are you so quiet?" Hyuwi starts the conversation after taking a sip from her americano.

'Obviously, because I hate you!'

"Do you still hate us?" Hyuwi looks at him, not with her old smirk or with her arrogant gaze. This time, just warm smile appears. Hocheol stuns.

"Why do you bother ask when you already know the answer?" Hocheol replies.

"Can you just forgive... us?" Hyuwi looks at the ground. She can't look at Hocheol at his eyes.


Not after I take revenge on you  guys,

Who make my middle school life into a hell.

And just wait Hyuwi, I know your biggest secret.

I'll make you pay for your sin for sure."

With that, Hocheol leaves Hyuwi alone at there.

Hocheol... I'm so sorry...

Hyuwi sits on her studying desk in her room while trying to solve some Math questions. Hocheol's words keep buzzing in her ears.

Her biggest secret is Han Hyunuk. Is that what Hocheol knows about?

Hocheol, if you know that I already paid my sins a year ago...

She flashbacks everything.

When she was 13 and Hyunuk was 15, she entered the same school with Hyunuk. There, she was getting an extraordinary treatments by her brother's fangirl to the point that she didn't want go to school anymore.

When Hyunuk turned 16 and entered high school, she became wild and be a bully along with Yejoo and Mingzhou. After a year, the principal knew about it and tell their parents. So, Hyuwi's parents transferred her to an all-girl school.

That school is near Mesa High School. Most of the girls are Hyunuk's fans. Someone took a picture of Hyunuk and Hyuwi walking together and spreaded rumours that they are dating which makes her to get bullied and discriminate by all students there.

It is karma, she thought.

Chapter Forteen Updated!
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Dedicated to Ale

Next: Hocheol's Special Chapter Part 2

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