21- Inho

48 10 13

Junhee rubs her eyes as she feels sleepy. She looks at her watch that shows the time, 12:45 am. Her co-worker came late so she had to work for an extra hour. She works at a 24 hours convenience store. She works as part-timer there so she only works from 2 pm to 12 am.

After 30 minutes taking subway, she finally arrives at her home. Its a 2 storey house like apartment with many rooms. She lives at the first storey since she was 12.

"Aigoo~ Junhee-yah.. Why do you come home at this hour?" The house owner, Mrs Mul who just back from her son's place, asked Junhee. Junhee smiles. She is really close with Mrs Mul. Mrs Mul treats Junhee like her own granddaughter.

"Something happened so I have to work for one hour more."

"Did you eat dinner already? Come here, I will cook for you." Mrs Mul invites.

"Thank you so much, halmeoni but I am tired. I don't think I can eat." She politely rejects.

"Fine, but tomorrow I will make breakfast for you."

Junhee nods and gets in her room when suddenly Mrs Mul calls her.

"You have a new roommate."


"Junhee." Her boss calls.


"Seoyeon just resigned yesterday but today you will have a new co-worker."

"Really?" Junhee does speak less. She replies people with short sentence or just few words most the time.

"Annyeonghaseyo," someone comes in and greets them. He bows and when his eyes and her eyes meet, both freeze.


(Junhee's POV)

It's shocking to see Hwang Inho as my co-worker at that convenience store. But, since he will work at evening and I'm at night then it's okay.

I still remember he asked for money months ago. It was at the same convenience store. He really does look like beggar at that time, except for his good looks.

Tok! Tok! Tok!


My new neighbour have been knocking the wall since last night. I can't sleep at all hearing that noises.

I look at my phone to see the time, 9:10 pm. Today is my day off and I usually sleep early. I go to my bed and set my alarm. I have to go early tomorrow to my another part time work.



Tok! Tok! Tok!

"Gosh, what again?" I frustratedly go to the door and open it. There stands my new neighbour.

Good, just good.

"Ong Junhee?"

"So, you are my new neighbour?" I sigh.

"Yes, I moved in yesterday." Inho answers.

"What do you want?" I ask while yawning.

"Here, I want to apologise for making noises since yesterday." He hands me a mini teddy bear. I look at him. Seriously, a doll?

"Why do you give me this?"

"It's a present for my new neighbour. Come on.. take it. It just  a doll," Inho eagerly gives me the doll.

"Chucky is also a doll."

Inho laughs as I stare at him, annoyed.

"Take it, I got it free anyway." He left after he put the doll on my hand.

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