69 11 28

"So how do he looks like?" Yonghyun asks Mingzhou. Mingzhou thinks for seconds before answering, "He has black hair and taller than me."

"What the heck? Everyone in this school have black hair and basically, everyone is taller than you!"

Mingzhou pinches Yonghyun's arm. Yonghyun screams then he laughs when Mingzhou pouts.

Suddenly, Yuhan, the tall dude from Modelling Course bumps with them. Yonghyun and Yuhan make a short starring session before Yuhan leaves.

Yonghyun and Mingzhou look at each other and giggle.

(4 months ago)

The atmosphere is quiet heavy unlike the usual. Everyone is so quiet. They gather at dance studio. All the 35 students are there.

"What should we do?" Eunsun breaks the silence.

"My mom will definitely kill me if I am kicked from this school." Sungho facepalms himself as his mom appears in his mind. His mom is the scariest human being in the earth.

"We should fight then. Why are you guys feel so down?" Inho raises his voice.

"Yes, now the only thing we should do is work hard to win." For the first time, Junhee agrees with Inho.

The members nod in agreement. Junhee takes out her phone and distribute their works.

"We will do 4 performances. Firstly, the dance team will choreograph your own dance and make the music. Vocal team will sing and plays the instrunments, I prefer the song is ballad. We, rap team will make our own beat and write our lyrics. For the last performance, all of us will do it. We will do a dance-song. Sungho sunbae and me will compose the song. We only have one month left, it's a short time but I believe and you guys. Let's do well and work hard."

The others listen and focus to Junhee's words as some of them take notes.


"You guys have to vote for us ok?" Nakyung, the beauty of their class softly said to the boys.

Yejoo scratches her ear.

"Of course, who will vote for that trashy music course?" They laugh.

Yejoo slams a book on her desk and turns to the back to punch the guy but Hyuwi is already there, hitting the guy's face with her pencil case.

The whole class shocks.

"What the hell are your problem is?!!" The guy shouts.

"Shut your smelly mouth, you son of a b****, your mom didn't pushed you from her womb for you to be such an ugly little pig. You are just an annoying jerk. Why do you even live? F*** you, go DIE." Hyuwi shows them her middle finger before she goes back to her seat.

Yejoo holds her laughter as Mingzhou giggles with Changmin and Yongkwon.


(D-Day on School Festival)

Yonghyun's POV

Yuhan smirked at me everytime he saw me. And I feel like I should breaks his nose.

The modal course did fashion runaway and makeup tutorial and of course, they got a really loud cheers and supports from teachers and students.

Our turn has come. Our dance team performed Get Ugly + Bang Bang with me and Mijin noona being the center. The dance break were done by Seonyeon sunbae, Mingzhou, Jinseok hyung, Hongin hyung and Youngdoo hyung. The loudest cheer goes to Isaac hyung who did the killing part.

Second, the vocal team performed 'Tomorrow', the song that Sungho hyung composed. Seolmin noona and Seonghwan hyung play piano. The main is Doha hyung.

The rap team performed 'Turtle Ship'. The center is Sungho hyung. They dissed the principal and all the students cheered really loud at that part to the extend the teachers have to stop them.

The last performance is our team performing 'Rising Star'. It was actually Inho hyung who recommended it. He said it was his group's song. Junhee noona edited it so we all can have part.

And of course... we lost. The votes were 323 - 317. It's not that big. But, we are already prepared as we expected that we will lost.

We cleaned our course room when suddenly someone came in.

It was the chairman of this school, Mr Han.

We bowed to him. We gathered and he started the conversation.

"It was really great to see you guys performed again. I think it's been a long time since you guys did."

We nodded.

"I really like the spirit and charms that you guys show and I'm proud to see that we have such talented students in this school. So, I talked with the principal earlier.

You guys will stay here, as the students at Mesa High School until you guys graduate."

We are so shocked. Changmin, Jinseok hyung and I jumped in excitement. Junhee noona smiled. I feel so relieved.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, sir." Junhee noona bowed non-stop.

(Present Day)


Eunsun sighs.

"Our course is full already. We are not taking any students anymore." She said for 30th times already today. There are many students come to join their course.

40 seconds later



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