Chapter 25

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I tried to concentrate on my homework but it was becoming almost impossible. I had done almost two pages of History homework and most of my English. All completed in my messy illegible handwriting. Anything to avoid looking at the music task sheet. My eyes were starting to become fuzzy looking at the page, I couldn't even focus.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. I ran my hands through my hair, my fingers caught in some knots.

I couldn't believe I got put with Tyson. How the hell was I meant to work properly now? He was just too damn distracting. I wasn't looking forward to my music report card. I had hoped he would maybe pull rank and give the assignment a go, considering this subject seemed to at least be in his comfort zone. But our confrontation outside the music room didn't leave me with a lot of faith, just a lot of butterflies in my stomach.

I eyed my sketch book sitting on my window seat across the room. I could feel my concentration gravitating towards it, so I gave up with the homework. Looking out the glass I saw the sun was just setting and its pink glow was tinting the wheat behind the house beyond the small patch of green grass that somewhat made up for our backyard. I could see Mum with Sylvie, hanging out the washing on the old rusting hills hoist. Sylvie was trying to run cartwheels and Mum was laughing at her failed attempts.

I smiled and looked down at my sketch book. Opening it, I flicked through the pages of messy drawings, mostly consisting of human figures and landscapes. I found a fresh page. Picking up a dark pencil I started to draw, occasionally looking down into the back yard for some inspiration.

I was just finishing off the last parts of shading when I heard little feet stomping up the stairs and along the hallway to my room.

"Calla! Dinner's ready!" Sylvie said excitedly as she came into the room.

"Whatcha doing?" she said, climbing up beside me, knocking off a few pillows from the seat. She pawed at my sketchbook.

"It's me!" she said delightedly.

I smiled and closed the book. "What's for dinner then?"

I grabbed her waist and upon standing up swung her around and back onto her feet. She giggled like crazy before squealing, "Chicken! Chicken!"

Dinner was as expected. The same as any other night: both Dad and Mum pretending the other doesn't exist, Mum hurriedly eating before running off to her nightly shift, and Sylvie refusing to eat her dinner, begging for attention.

I sighed and pushed my vegetables around my plate as Sylvie's squeals and Mum's demands attempted to burst my eardrums. Dad was encouraging Sylvie to eat and Mum was ready to walk out the door.

"See you guys!" I heard her call as she grabbed her purse and walked out the front door, almost slamming it behind her.

"Just eat it, Sylvia! Why won't you eat your dinner?" Dad asked. He was leaning over the table with Sylvie's fork in hand, a piece of chicken hanging off the end of it.

"I'm not hungry!" she said grumpily, crossing her arms over her chest and sticking her bottom lip out defiantly.

"She's just tired Dad." I said, "It was activity day at her school today, she needs to go to bed." I stuffed my last mouthful of dinner into my mouth.

"Okay then Possum, lets go to bed," Dad said and stood up, offering Sylvie his hand. But she turned away scowling.

"I want Calla to take me to bed!" she demanded.

"Come on Sylvie, Calla's got homework to do. I'll read you a story?" he said.

Sylvie shook her head, "Not you! I want Calla to tuck me in!" Her demand seemed so ridiculous I couldn't help laughing. But Dad took it another way.

"Fine then," he said defeated, dropping his hand. He started to turn away from the table.

"Dad she's only six!" I called but he had left the room.

Sylvie looked up at me and smiled. I shook my head.


Back in my room I tried to concentrate on my homework but it was becoming almost impossible. I had done almost two pages of history homework and all of my music homework. All completed in my messy illegible handwriting and my eyes were becoming fuzzy I couldn't even focus on the next page.

I leant back in my chair and ran my fingers through my hair, my fingers catching in the knots.

Suddenly my mobile began to ring bringing my brain back to life. I dived for the device vibrating on my bed before it woke up Sylvie sleeping the next room. It took forever to calm her down and get her to sleep.

I checked the caller ID before answering the call from Mitchie.

"Hey?" I whispered.

"Hi!" She chirped, "Why are you whispering?"

I flopped back onto my bed, "Oh, sorry," I said louder, "What's up?"

"Well you'll never believe it!" She said excitedly.

"What?" I asked, my mood lifting with her bubbly attitude. I smiled grateful I had her as a friend.

"You know how I had a date with Sam Tapp this afternoon?"

"Yes," I said.

"Well he asked me to be his girlfriend!"

I laughed she seemed so excited by the prospect and the fact that she called me to tell me was charming.

"And you said yes?" I picked at a stray thread on my bedspread. My mind remembering how nice Sam was to Mitchie at our double date, and then the almost repulsive image of them hooking up at the party afterwards. I was glad he didn't just pick up and leave her, it would have crushed Mitchie.

"Of course! He's so sweet Calla, he took me out for a nice dinner after the movie and was really cute about it."

I smiled, "Good, I'm happy for you." I meant it; Mitchie was always so generous towards everyone else it was time she got some back.

I could hear her smile in her voice as she replied, "Thanks, I knew you would be."

There was a pause before she said, "Well I'm going to call Phoebe and the others now."

I laughed, "The whole school will know before tomorrow, knowing you. You might scare him off," I teased.

"Yeah well, he should have known that when he asked me to be his girlfriend. My name is Mitchie Aristone after all."

I chuckled again, "Yes the name of the schools biggest gossip."

"Shut up you!" She laughed though. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"


"Okay, Ciao!" She said gleefully.

"Bye," I ended the call happily, my mood better now. I smiled and went back to my homework.

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