Chapter 30

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I skipped down the back porch steps after Calla with a heavy laundry basket in my arms. Her little sister trailed after us, picking up a hula hoop from the ground before joining us at the washing line.

"So what's the plan for today?" Calla asked as she pegged up a wet towel.

I found it hard to concentrate on an answer when she bent over to take another wet towel from the washing basket I set down beside us.

She turned when she didn't hear my reply and caught me staring at her; I looked up sheepishly to meet her eyes. Her face turned the sweetest pink and I found it hard not to smirk. She had no idea how attractive she was.

"I don't really have one actually." I answered truthfully.

"Well, how about we make a start on that assignment? The draft is due next Friday," she sounded hopeful and I couldn't deny the tone in her voice.

"Sure, what else am I going to do today?" I shrugged.


I was lying on her window bay seat staring up at the ceiling. I plucked at my guitar strings absentmindedly, trying to think of some kind of melody. Calla was on her massive bed, letting her hair fall over the side and trail along the floor as she lay upside down. We had been in those same positions for over an hour trying to think of some kind of composition.

We'd been through all the obvious tunes and realised we were ripping off Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star more than ten times, and now we were stuck.

"This is so hard!" She grumbled, the movement of her head making her blonde curls dance across the floor.

"I know," I agreed with her, "Normally when I write songs, lyrics come first before notes. I've never written a song without lyrics before."

My guitar vibrated across my chest as I let my thumb trail across my strings. We had been working for about half an hour before we realised we would need an instrument to create the music. It was then when I volunteered to go and get my guitar a few streets over.

"You're in a band, can't we use one of you're songs?" She asked, rolling over on the bed and propping her self up on her elbows.

I shook my head reluctantly, "They're just cords; none of my songs have enough single melodies to go for twenty five bars."

"You have to have something we can use," She countered, jumping off the bed she slid down onto the floor and lent against the bed frame. Grabbing my school bag she start going through it pulling out all my crap.

"What do you expect to find in there? Some miracle twenty five bars?" I snorted.

She just scowled up at me as she pulled some rubbish out of the bag, chucking the ball of paper at me it hit me strait in the head and she broke out in a smile and a charming giggle erupted from her mouth.

"Hey!" I smiled and threw the paper back at her. She laughed and picked it up from the floor ready to launch it right back at me. Just as she pulled her arm back she noticed something.

"What?" I asked, suddenly anxious that her smile dropped so fast.

She slowly and carefully unfurled the ball of paper. Her brow furrowed as she tried to read it.

After a moment of silence and intense concentration for her I said, "Here, let me read it," I held my hand out expectantly.

After about three more seconds she handed the page over with a sigh.

When I read the first three lines I couldn't help but curse.

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