Chapter 37

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A/N this is an extremely long chapter. I don't know why, it just turned out that way. Poor planning? Something like that. Anyway it's good for you guys. Enjoy! :)

It was a Saturday. The Saturday of Sam's eighteenth and to no prevail had I convinced Mum to let me go. Mum and Dad were still divided. I was too scared to bring up the topic again in front of them both for fear of them breaking into another fight, there had been two really big rows since the night I asked them. But I really wanted to go and I was this close to throwing a childish tantrum. I decided I would breach the subject delicately with Mum in the afternoon.

She was in the back yard and I just heard Dad pull up in the driveway as I stepped out the back door.

"Hey Mum?"

She paused before she pegged a towel to the clothesline. "I know that tone of voice, what do you want?" She was smirking. I guessed that was a good sign.

"Well," I started, bending I picked up a wet bed sheet from the washing basket and proceeded to peg it to the line, "I've been studying all day –"

"Good," she interrupted me. A frown was growing above her eyes and I knew what her answer to my next question would be.

"And I was wondering," I paused and looked up at the sky, eyeing a passing plane I wished it was a shooting star and that it would grant my wish of Mum saying yes. "If I could go to this party tonight?"

I looked back at Mum to see her reaction.

She sighed and dropped her hands from the high washing line, "Calla, we've been through this," I interrupted her before she could continue.

"I know, but I really want to go. Everyone else is! Please Mum? Please?" I was begging now.

"No. No!" She was trying to be heard over me, her voice loud. We both heard the screen door bang shut and Dad's voice stopped both of us in our arguing.

"What are you two arguing about?" He asked. He was still in his suit and a hand to his throat was loosening his tie.

"I really want to go to this party," I mumbled quietly. At that moment I knew it was a mistake asking Mum again. There was no way I was going. It was just a party and I had to get over it. "But nevermind." I walked up to the back steps finally defeated.

Dad didn't say anything when I stepped around him to get in the door but as I made my way up the stairs I could hear them arguing again. I closed my bedroom door trying to block them out.


I came out of the bathroom with wet hair and a foul mood, Mum and Dad were still fighting, I could hear them from all the way upstairs. I walked into my room just as my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said, still rubbing my head with a towel.

"Are you coming? You said you would try to come! Please come?" Mitchie's voice sounded out of the phone.

"Yeah, I tried. But the parentals are still arguing and Mum won't budge," I sighed, sitting down on my bed.

"Look, I'm driving past your place in fifteen. Think of something quick and try to meet me, if you can't then that's okay then, I get it; parents suck."

I heard her talking to someone else; reassuring them they were the best. I was sure it was her mum driving. I smiled.

"I don't know Mitchie," I said, eyeing some split ends in my wet hair.

"Hey it's okay, but if you want; fifteen minutes."

"Okay," I replied but she had already hung up.

I looked at my alarm clock at my bedside. It was four thirty. A couple of hours until the party. I chewed on my bottom lip thinking. The sounds of Mum and Dad's constant argument still going on downstairs.

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