Chapter 11: Can't Lie Either

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(With Chapter 7 Daring POV)

"Roomy! What should I do!?" Cedar wined.

Cerise knew what her room mate is going on about, today their professor had assigned a homework, asking everyone to make a tall tale, and Cedar is just not cut out for that kind of things.

"Professor said I should find something that looks like a tall tale but actually true to talk about.." Cedar said, "where am I going to find that?"

Hearing that advice suddenly gave Cerise an idea. "Maybe.. maybe you could go into the woods!" She suggested, "there's always good stories there."

Cedar looked at her a little unsure, but Cerise continued. "I was strolling there when I came across a cliff, the view there was amazing! Especially when you can catch the sunrise crack through the mountains in the far distance." Cerise looked at their room mate giving her a 'and what's your point' face, she continued.. " well I was so engrossed by the view, I didn't know I was walking closer and closer to the edge until it was too late." Cedar's eyes went wide "I scrambled to grab onto something as I was falling, man I was so scared, I was crashing through brunches and rocks, scraped all over my body but at least I was close to the cliff. Time seamed to stop when I finally grabbed onto a sturdy branch! From there I slowly climbed my way back up. Till this day, that cliff remains to be my favourite place to chill."

"There's no way you just made that up!" Cedar exclaimed. "Maybe I exaggerated just a little" not.. "That's going to be my tall tale." Cerise proclaimed, "What I'm saying is that there's lots of stories in the woods, why not give it a try?"

Cedar thanked Cerise as she head out to find her story.

No kidding, what Cedar said was true, she didn't make that up. Cerise is just as bad a lire as Cedar, that's why she chose to avoid people, she couldn't afford to slip up. As long as family is not in the topic, maybe she could try, the group of people that she had come to know gives Cerise a lot of hope, hope that one day maybe she can be free, free from the responsibilities of keeping such a big secret.

The period after lunch has been changed into the School President Debate, everyone was to gather in the hall to listen and vote for their President. Cerise looked for the only few people she knew to sit beside them. And so it began.

As Blondie asked her question to Maddie "why would you run agains Apple? Are you mad?" Cerise clinched her fist with irritation, what's so wrong about trying out for presidency? Even if it's against Apple.. Maddie however didn't seams to be affected, in fact she looks even happier "why thank you!" she says, while proceeding to say something no one can understand. Cerise didn't care, and it seams like the people around her didn't too, as the cheered for Maddie.

Cheering for Maddie however had made the royal bloods very unhappy, they glared at the group across their seats.

"What!?" Daring Charming roared.

"You've heard us," Hunter shouted right back "Apple's been president Long enough!"

"Maddie is MAD"


The tension has brought everyone to their feet. Cerise watch was the royals show some really ugly faces as they shout into their faces, and she listened as her classmates fight back. Things were coming to a full on fight when

"Quiet!!" It was Maddie. "I have a tea-rific idea!" She announced.

Go Maddie! Look at how effectively she handled the fight, where is Apple in all this? And I'm sure to some degree the royals saw it too, as they reluctantly allowed Maddie to be Co President this year.

--author's note--
I have come to realise I can't see a clear developed personality for some of the characters so I sort of gave them some as I see fit. Cedar feels very different from the show.

Cerise Hood POV Where stories live. Discover now