Part 2

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Ashton's POV

I wake up to the feeling of something on my face. 

My eyes snap open, a girl sits in front of me, her eyes watching me intently. There is a pounding in my head that refuses to go away.

I look around the room, the unfamiliar surroundings cause me to panic. I'm sure I passed out in the woods, so where am I now?

Oh my god I've been kidnapped.

My body darts upright, my hand instantly flying to my head as the searing pain worsens.

"Woah, easy there buddy" the girl says calmly as she places a warm hand on my shoulder and guides me back down onto the bed.

There was something soothing about her tone, it helped my headache to calm down.

"W-Where am I?" I manage to croak out, my voice hoarse. How long was I out?

"You're in our med hut, our hunters found you out in the woods and brought you back here so you didn't get eaten by a bear or something" she smiled kindly at me. She had a beautiful smile.

I sit up again, slower this time, so that I didn't aggravate my headache. I leant my back against the wall so I was comfortable.

"What's your name?" she asks quietly. I appreciate her quiet tone, it's calming.

"Ashton" I say in response as I rub my sore head.

"Well I'm Y/N" she smiled at me. I swear her smile is contagious.

"What were you doing so far out in the woods Ashton?" she asked curiously, her tone not as soft as it was before.

I could tell she was a bit more wary now, almost as if she was nervous about my response.

"I'm trying to find somewhere to stay for a while, there's nothing left for me in the city so I rode out to try and find somewhere new but my horse got spooked and trampled me" I say.

I decide against telling her that I'm the Prince and soon to be King, she obviously didn't recognise me and it's nice to talk to someone without them calling me 'your highness'.

She smiles, seeming satisfied by my answer. She visibly relaxes. Her friendly smile returns.

"Well, you're welcome to stay as long as you need" she offers kindly.

There is a knock at the door.

"Come in" she calls.

A young boy walks in, he must be only six or seven. "Y/N one of the pigs have escaped" he says as he lingers by the door.

"Again?" Y/N groans in frustration.

The boy nods. "Okay, tell George and Lucy to start working on a stronger pen, there should be some axes in the farm hut" she says as she walks towards the boy to help deal with the pig situation I presume.

The little boy's blue eyes locked with mine. He looks at me suspiciously. "Who's that?" he asks bluntly as he points at me.

"That's Ashton, Calum found him out in the forest, he's hurt so we are going to help him until he gets better" Y/N explains.

The boys eyes shift from Y/N, to me then back to Y/N again. "So he's not here to take us away?" he asks, looking up at Y/N with worried eyes.

"Of course not" she said, ruffling the boy's dark hair as she smiles reassuringly at him. Y/N leaves the room with the small boy, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Y/N seemed nice and friendly. I feel like I can trust her, but she seemed wary of my intentions. My mind filled with questions about my new surroundings

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