Part 8

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It hurt but it was my fault. I had built up my walls, strengthened myself to ensure I was protected. Then I let them come crumbling down for a guy with a cute smile.

How could I have been so stupid? I fell for all of his bullshit. I trusted him and I think that's what hurts the most. The fact that over the past month, I let him in. I let him get into my head.

I bet he never even liked me. How could I have been so naive to think he would actually want me. He just wanted to use my body, after all, I'm the only girl in the village that's of age.

It makes me wonder what he would have done if the guards hadn't shown up. Would he have left? Moved onto his next conquest?

In a way, I'm happy the guards came. I'm in no way happy that son of a bitch slapped me, my face is still sore.

Although I'm glad they took him before I fell any deeper under his spell. He's the future King, of course he knew how to manipulate people, just like his father.

Calum's already plotting against him. If Eva wasn't enough, this just made him more determined. Now the only colour he sees is red. I haven't entirely decided if I will try and stop him.

I just feel empty, like I've lost a part of myself.

Ashton's POV


I've hurt her. I deceived her in the hopes of showing her the real me. Maybe if I had told her straight up who I was, I could have changed her mind about royals, but now I realise I just confirmed all her thoughts about us.

I lied and now I'm dying inside.

Y/N gave my life meaning and now that she wants nothing to do with me, I feel empty.

She was unlike any of the Princesses mother would parade before me, she was genuine, and nice, and beautiful and amazing, but now I will never see her again.

Even if I wanted to go see her, she would never see me, especially with guards following me. Calum would kill me if I even set foot in the village unprotected, out of revenge for Eva and now Y/N.

I sit with my back against the stone wall of my chambers, my bare feet on the cold ground. There was probably something I was meant to be doing, but I didn't care.

I wanted to just sit in silence. I didn't want to see the guards, or the rest of my family as they only remind me of my deception and how I have ruined the best thing that had ever happened to me.

Michael's POV

He hasn't left his chamber in three days. Nobody will approach him in fear of losing their jobs. The guards think he's pathetic, but they always have.

He reluctantly attended his coronation, he didn't smile the whole day, he barely spoke, now he is moping in his room.

I understand though. I knew from the look on his face when we barged in on him back in the village, that he loved that girl. I had never seen him like that before.

She treated him like a person, not like a Prince, which I knew was something he had always wanted.

Now he is a King. The only thing he has done since the incident is prevented the guards from taking the children in that village. He never did say why there were loads of children. He just said they were not to be taken to the orphanage.

Nobody dared to talk back, after all he was now the King. They may have not liked his decree but they followed it because they had to.

I decide to try and talk to him, in the hopes of at least getting him to eat something as it was clear from the full trays of food outside his door that he hadn't eaten in some time. I knock on the door.

"I'm busy." his voice was hoarse.

I walk in anyway. I spot him on the floor against the wall, his gaze snapped to mine, his icy glare softening slightly when he realises it was only me.

I walk closer to him, his eyes were puffy, he had obviously been crying but he was trying desperately to hide it. I sit down next to him.

 He leans against my shoulder, I wrapped my arm around his back comfortingly.

"You're going to have to leave this room eventually" I mumble.

"I'm the King I can do whatever I like" he simply responds.

I chuckle, he reminded me of a stubborn five year old.

Ashton smiles with me. It didn't reach his eyes but it was a start.

"I just miss her Mikey" he sighs, his voice breaking. I rub his shoulder reassuringly.

"I fucked everything up, I should have just told her who I was" he continues, a sob threatening to escape.

"Why didn't you?" I ask curiously, I knew these were dangerous waters but I was interested.

"My father is the reason all of the kids are orphaned, they would have thrown me out before I even got a chance with her" he says sadly.

This was tearing him up inside. I had never seen him this upset before. The man is heartbroken.

"I have to go" I say making up an excuse to leave. I get up. 

"Try to eat something okay?" I say as I walk out the door. Ashton just groans in response.

I had to do something. By the sounds of it she won't talk to him, maybe she'll talk to me. I have to try. Ashton's my best friend, I have to at least try and make this better for him.

I change from my uniform, deciding that turning up in my uniform may not be the best idea. I also don't want her to think that I'm going to hurt her like Derek did.

I mount up and ride towards the village, in the hopes I can convince Y/N, was that her name? to give him another chance. 

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