Part 10

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I walk closer to where he was flailing on the ground. He stops and looks up at me. I crouch down so that our faces are aligned.

I could now see how puffy his eyes were, dark circles underneath from lack of sleep. They began to brim with tears as he looked at me.

His hands reached up and cupped my cheeks. They were cold but his touch was warm. I closed my eyes for a moment, embracing the feeling of his hands on my skin. I had missed his touch.

"What are you doing here?" he whimpers, his eyes darting over my face in disbelief.

"Michael came and found me, I didn't realise you were doing this badly" I say sadly, pushing his messy hair away from his face. His head tilts into my hand.

"Y/N, you have to know, I never wanted to hurt you, I just didn't want you to see me as the same man as my father. I'm nothing like him I promise" he rambles desperately.

"I know" I say in understanding. "I shouldn't have assumed all the royals were like him. I'm sorry that you thought you couldn't be yourself around me" I say looking down at the floor shamefully.

"No. You're the only person I can be myself around, the real me not some King, just me" he smiled sadly at me.

I smile back at him as I play with his hair, running my fingers through it gently. I slowly move my hand down to caress his cheek. His scruff tickles my palm.

"Ashton, How long have you been sat here?" I ask in concern.

Ashton just shrugs.

"Michael says you've been in here for four days. Ashton you're the King now, you can't just sit in your room the whole day, the kingdom needs you." I say gently but the seriousness was there.

He sighs. "I know. I just-" he sighs again. "I just couldn't face it."

He rests his head on my shoulder, nuzzling into my neck. I had never seen him like this, so vulnerable.

I pull away and move to stand. Ashton looks up at me with worried expression on his face. "Where are you going?" he asks, panic lacing his voice.

"To prepare you a bath, you need to get cleaned up" I say with a reassuring smile.

Ashton visibly relaxes, he grabs the wall to help pull himself to his feet. He stumbles over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, leaning his head on my shoulder. I tilt my head into his, relaxing into his embrace.

"Thank you."

"I haven't done anything."

"You came back to me."

We stood there for a while in silence, just holding each other and embracing the others company.

There's a sudden knocking on the door.

"Go away"Ashton shouts. His tone was not as angry as before, but it was obvious he didn't want us to be disturbed.

Michael pokes his head through the door. His eyed scanning the room until they land on us. A small smile graces his lips as he looks at us. He was obviously happy that his little excursion had payed off.

"I hate to disturb you but Prince Luke is on his way"

"What. Why?"

Michael simply shrugs his shoulders.

Ashton groans as Michael leaves the room.

"Who's Prince Luke?" I ask in confusion. Having lived away from the city and taking no interest in any of the royal families, I had no idea who this Prince was.

"He is a Prince of the neighbouring kingdom. Our parents always tried to make us become best friends. I don't dislike him, but we're not as close as Michael and I."

"Okay, you should get ready and I should get back to the village"

"NO" Ashton says a little too quickly. "Please stay, you just got here, at least stay for the Prince's arrival, there will no doubt be a banquet" he pleads.

"How can I enjoy a banquet when those in my village barely have enough food?" I say.

Ashton chuckles, much to my confusion. "You're too good for this world" he sighs.

"There is always lots of food left over, I'll help you take it back to the village when it's over. Just stay. Please" there was desperation in his eyes, despite his attempt to hide it.

"Okay" I smile at him, resting my hand on his shoulder gently.

He smiles before wrapping his arms around me once again, holding me tightly.

Eventually I pull away, "Right let's get you cleaned up yeah?" I say raising an eyebrow at him. He simply nods his head and follows me over to the bath.


After helping him bathe and making him eat something he was looking somewhat like the Ashton I remember.

"You should probably get some sleep" I say as I sit down next to him on the edge of his large bed.

He nods his head. "Will you join me? I get it if you don't want to, I just think it'll be easier-"

"Of course" I cut him off with a smile.

He climbs into bed, lying on his side. I join him, climbing into the sheets so that I lie facing him. Our bodies were close but not touching. Ashton looked at me, his eyes trailing over my face, a small smile on his lips.

"I love you" he whispers, just loud enough for me to hear.

"I never thought I would find anyone who could see past the power and the title, but you do, you treat me like a normal person and you have no idea how much that means to me." His eyes never leave mine as his feelings spill from his lips.

I smile at him. "I never thought I would find someone who I would let my walls down for. I guess I thought I could manage on my own. I know I can, I just don't want to anymore." I say quietly.

"I love you Ashton" I breath.

A wide smile appears on his face. I close the distance between us, gently pressing my lips against his. He responds, moving one arm to tangle his fingers in my hair. We hold each other there, not moving, our lips pressed together breathing each other in. It wasn't passionate or needy, it was simply loving.

I eventually pull away, gazing deeply into his hazel eyes. He shuffles closer to me, wrapping his arms around my body and nuzzling his head into my neck. I run my hands through his hair, gently soothing him.

Soon I feel his breaths slow as he drifts into a much needed sleep. I close my eyes, enjoying the moment that I found myself in.

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