Part 9

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Michael's POV

I dismounted as I neared the edge of the forest, tying up my horse on a nearby tree. I walked until I reached the familiar village. I hid in the treeline for a moment, surveying the area.

I had to move at the right time. The last thing I needed was for someone to recognise me and alert the whole village to my presence. I just wanted to talk to her alone.

I waited until it was quiet. I slowly emerged from the trees, walking directly to the house that we had invaded the last time I was here.

I knocked quietly on the door. I heard footsteps before the the door creaked open. Her eyes immediately locked with mine, widening slightly in shock.

"What are you doing here?" she said through gritted teeth. It was obvious she was trying to be civil but made no attempt to hide her annoyance towards my presence.

"May I come in?" I ask.

"Oh so you're asking permission now, how lovely" she says sarcastically as she steps out of the way so I can enter her home. I can see why Ashton likes her.

I stand in the middle of the room, she moves to lean against the kitchen counter.

"Why are you here?" she breaks the silence.

"I needed to talk to you" I respond softly, I didn't want to startle her, or make her think I was like the other guards.

"I don't know you, why could you possibly need to talk to me?" she said crossing her arms, raising her brow.

"It's about Ashton" I state.

"Haha" she feigned laughter. "Get out" she said pointing to the door with an icy glare.

"All I ask is that you listen to what I have to say, then I will leave and never bother you again" I plead, I had not come all this way for nothing.

She sighs in annoyance, "Fine" she states, gesturing for me to start talking.


"He's miserable." he begins.

I simply shrug, did he expect me to give a shit?

"He hasn't left his room in four days now, he just sits in the corner either crying or staring at the wall mumbling about you." he says looking in my eyes to try and get some sort of reaction from me.

He sighs when he realises I'm not going to say anything.

"Okay, I've known Ashton for a long time, I'm the only true friend he has for Christ sake.

He used to go on and on about how he wanted to meet someone who didn't want him for his money or his power. He just wanted someone who loved him for who he was, that's why he didn't tell you. He hasn't explained your situation fully to me but from what I understand his father was the reason for the downfall of your village.

He wanted a chance with you, that's why he didn't tell you who he really was. He knew that you'd despise him had he mentioned his heritage. He thought he had finally found someone genuine, can you really blame the man for not wanting you to hate him?" he explains.

I take a moment to contemplate his words. They made sense, but it still hurt. I opened myself up to him and he hurt me. I let my gaze soften slightly but my lips remained pursed.

"I won't force you to come to the castle with me but just know, he is the only reason your village still stands" he says in a serious tone.

"What do you mean?" I finally speak.

"The other guards wanted to take the minors to the orphanages and burn the village to the ground. Ashton forbid it, said that any guards that set foot there would be imprisoned on their return. It was the only official action he's made since he became King" he states.

My mouth drops open in shock. Maybe he did actually care about the village. "I-" I stutter, I was speechless.

The guard noticed that he had got through to me. "Please, he's not the same since he lost you, he doesn't sleep, doesn't eat, I feel like you're the only person that can get through to him." he pleads.

I look up at him. "Okay, I'll come with you" I state. I had no idea what I would say to him when I got there, I had to thank him for saving our village but beyond there I don't know.

He smiles, he gets up and walks to the door, I follow as he holds it open for me.

"I'll meet you in the woods. I have to talk to Calum, if he sees you he will kill you" I say seriously. He nods in understanding.

I walk over to Calum's hut.

"Calum" I shout. He pokes his head out the door. "I'm going into town, I don't know when I'll be back" I state.

He looks at me suspiciously. "Don't lie to me Y/N, you're going to see him aren't you?" the anger evident on his face.

I nod my head "I have to, I don't have time to explain, just look after everyone okay, I'll be a few days max" I say.

Calum groans in annoyance but he knows he can't stop me. I hug him goodbye before going to find the guard in the woods. He helps me onto his horse before setting off for the city.


We arrive in the castle grounds just after sundown. The guard, whose name I had learnt to be Michael, leads me through a maze of corridors and stairs before he gestures to a large oak door. I hesitantly knock.

"I told you I was not to be disturbed" I heard him growl from inside. I had never heard him this hostile.

Slowly I open the door, peering inside while remaining as quiet as possible. The room was a mess, all the chairs were overturned and there was food scattered over the floor, it had obviously been thrown.

I look into the corner. He was sat, curled up against the wall, his shaggy hair, covering his face as he stared at the ground.

"Ashton?" I whispered quietly as I walked a little closer.

His head snapped up, his hair falling around his face, revealing his tear-stained cheeks. His eyes widened in shock and realisation. "Y/N?" he whispers in disbelief.

He tries to get up but falls to the ground, his legs unable to support him. He must have been sat like that for a long time. The sight made my heartbreak, knowing that I was the reason he was in such a state.

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