Part 12

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As the large doors shut behind me, I feel a body collide with mine.

"Y/N?" Eva's familiar voice speaks in disbelief as she grips me in a bone crushing hug.

I pull away, looking up to her face, analysing her features, she looked older but she had the same beautiful face that I remember.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were dead, we thought you were dead." I say, my voice barely being able to speak the words.

"I know, I wanted to come back, I honestly did. But I couldn't, I owed my life to the Prince, he saved me on the battlefield, I became his maid to repay my debt to him." she says, her tone was sad.

"Did he make you?" I ask warily, knowing that I would storm up to this Prince had he forced her into anything.

"No" she smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "He is a kind man"

"I had to leave the battle with him, our troops were dead, only him and some of his men remained. We couldn't return the way we came, so he escorted us to safety.

It was months before we made it back to his kingdom. We had to survive in the wilderness. I was badly injured, Luke cared for me. When we made it to his kingdom he asked me to become his maid. 

I said yes because I owed him my life, I didn't know my way back to the village, I didn't eve know if the village would still be there if I were to return. So I stayed, out of my debt to Luke and in fear of what I would find if I went home." She explains

"Did anyone else make it back home?" she asks warily.

I shake my head sadly. "They tried to take everyone to the orphanages, but we hid. Calum and I have be-"

"C-Calu-" her breathing becomes heavy, tears forming in her eyes, her legs give out as she sinks to the floor.

I take her hands in mine, trying to calm her down. It is obvious that she has not thought about Calum in some time.

"Is he- is he here?" she stutters.

"No he's back in the village," I say.

She breathes heavily, "He- he's going to hate me, I never came back, I-I left him, I forgot about him. Oh my god I forgot about him" she begins to panic.

"Eva, you didn't forget about him, you had to focus on yourself and your own survival, he'll understand" I say trying to calm her down.

Her dark eyes meet mine. The panic subsiding.

"Also, you know Calum, he could never hate you. You could burn a city to the ground and he would only go on about how the embers made your face glow" I say, trying to lighten the mood and cheer her up.

She chuckles sadly.

"Do you want me to take you to him?" I ask.

She nods her head.

"Okay, I need to tell Ashton where we're going or he'll panic" I say quickly.

After he thought I had left this morning, I dread to think what he would think if I actually disappeared.

"Ashton as in the King?" she asks quirking her eyebrow at me. "What's going on there then?" she smirks. She did always like to tease me.

"It's a long story that I'll explain later," I say as I go to approach the grand oak door.

"Okay future Queen" she teases once again, recalling his words from earlier. Words that I still couldn't believe myself. Was he that sure? Had he thought that far ahead to consider me his Queen?

I push the idea to the back of my mind for now, getting Eva to Calum was more important.

I knock on the door, I consider just walking in but I knew this was a royal meeting and I had probably already caused enough commotion.

"Come in" I recognise Ashton's husky voice.

I poke my head through the door, signalling to him that I need to speak to him. He excuses himself from the gathering of royals at the front of the room and strides over to me, following me out of the door and gently shutting it behind him.

"What is it?" he asks, seeming in no way bothered that I had interrupted him.

"I'm taking Eva back to the village." I say gently.

"What now? I thought you were staying for the banquet" he says a little sadly, looking down at the floor.

"I know I said that, but Calum has spent the past two years mourning a girl that isn't even dead. I have to take her back now, this can't wait."

From the look in his eyes I can tell he understands even if he doesn't want to accept it.

I take his hands in mine, his gaze looks up from the floor to meet mine. "Once, I've sorted everything out, I'll come back"

"Promise?" he says hopefully.

"I promise" I smile reassuringly at him.

"Okay" he smiles squeezing my hand.

"Awwww" I hear from behind Ashton.

I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. Ashton blushes, obviously not realising that we were not completely alone.

"Shut up" I direct to Eva.

She chuckles, "I'm going to talk to Luke" she says as she disappears through the large door.

The sound of the door shutting left us alone. He pulls me into his chest.

"I don't want to let you go, I know that's selfish but I just got you back" he sighs as his fingers trace patterns on my back.

"I'll be back before you know it" I say, tilting my head up.

"Can you take a guard with you? I'd feel safer if you had someone to protect you"

I sigh. "No because, one you know that's a touchy subject in the village so turning up with a guard isn't a good idea. 

Two, I can defend myself.

 And three, nobody is going to attack two peasant girls, we're not important." I say stroking his chest. I didn't want to fight with him about this but I would if he pushed it any further.

"You're important to me" he mumbles.

"Awwww" I smile up at him, mimicking Eva to try and cheer him up .

It had the desired effect, his sad expression is gone, a smile taking it's place.

"Just be careful okay?"

"I will"

I pull away from him, I reach my hand up and rest it on his cheek. I place a gentle kiss on his lips. It felt nice to have his lips against mine once again, but I did not linger there, knowing if I did I would be reluctant to leave.

I pull away, as I do Eva emerges from the great hall.

"I'll be back soon" I smile as I walk away from him, I take Eva's hand as we walk towards the castle doors.

I turn, giving him a small reassuring smile as we walk out the doors.  

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