Part Seven: What?!

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Sans' POV:

"W-What?!" Her tone made her sound as flustered as she looked.

"In order to go through the barrier, you need a monster's soul. Or a monster would need a human's soul."

She seemed very uncomfortable at that comment. I smiled to myself. She was very easy to tease.

"How do you get through the barrier, then?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, "I am Death. Nothing living would be able to be Death itself. You really think that I would've been able to do my job if I was alive?"

She frowned a little bit and I could tell that she was thinking about it.

"Anyways, I'd suggest getting out of here as soon as possible. I don't need another Demi-God messing up the timeline."

"Don't you dare say that!" Frisk suddenly snapped.

I frowned at her, "Why wouldn't I dare?"

"Because no one knew that Chara was that evil. Not even the person who had chosen her did." She narrowed her eyes at me.

I felt my face drop into an angry-neutral expression.

"You shouldn't say that, Frisk. I am not afraid of making another mistake." I summoned my scythe.

"She was my sister, Sans. You made a mistake, and you'll never be able to correct that. And I don't know how you can live with that mistake."

I laughed, my laughter sounding deep and low even to me, "I don't. I die with it."

She appeared a bit taken back by that comment, and she looked a bit pitiful towards me afterward.

"I'm sorry that you have to kill people for a living. I always pitied the one who was Death itself. . . I was just hoping that the one who messed up my sister at least felt a little bad. . ." Frisk looked down and to the side, reminiscing.

"If you thought for even a second that I didn't hate my job, then you're wrong. I hate that it's my job to kill people, especially when they're as young as Chara was. And I'm sorry that you ended up being chosen because of me, living immortal, without your sister. . ."

There was a short silence.

"At least I got to see her, even for a second, even as that demon that she now is."

"You pushed her away. . . Why did you do that?"

She frowned a little, "She is the next Death. Why would I?"

I frowned a little bit, hurt.

"Oh! I-I didn't mean--"

"Don't lie to me after that comment." I interrupted her.

She put her head down, guilty.

I turned around and walked away, teleporting as I took my second step. I heard her call for me, but I did not turn back.

I had never been so hurt by a comment like that before. What was happening to me?

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