Chapter 1

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Readers p.o.v

Finally, after months of waiting I finally got my first job in a fashion shop, not too far from where I lived. All I would have to do was check the clothes for any faults, and organise them, so it was going to be pretty easy, plus the shop had a good sense of fashion, and also pretty good pay.

I arrived, wearing my favourite then stepped inside, and walked straight up to the desk. A woman with blond hair and blue eyes looked at me, smiling.

"Hello, you must be the new worker here, I'm Cindy, I'm the store manager" She smiled and I smiled back.

"Its nice to meet you"

"Let me show you where everything is" I nodded then followed her around as she showed me where all the clothes went: dresses, shoes, tops, shorts, jeans: luckily for me the shop wasn't too big, so it wouldn't take me long to memorise it all.

As we walked, someone suddenly grabbed my shoulders from behind and I jumped, causing a scream to escape from my mouth. I turned around to see a guy with light brown hair tied up in a pony tail, with stubble on his jaw and chin and piercing green eyes. He laughed at me, wrapping his own arms around his stomach and Cindy glared at him.

"Brad that's not very nice you could have given her a heart attack!" He laughed and wiped his eyes

"She's not dead though, so stop your whining it was a joke" She crossed her arms and groaned.

"Fine, its your job now to teach Y/n how things work here, but if I hear you doing anything like this again, or if you do that stupid mannequin thing again, I swear I will fire you" He looked at her

"Like I said Cindy, that wasn't me moving the mannequin, and you say that every time" She groaned then walked away, going back to her desk, and Brad looked at me, holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Sorry for the scare rookie, the names Bradley but you can call me Brad" I looked at him and shook his hand

"Hi Brad, I'm Y/n" He nodded and smiled.

"Let me show you where the storage room is" I nodded then followed him into a room at the back of the store, where boxes of clothes lived in piles. He gave me a few boxes and smiled. "All you have to do is hang these clothes up, steam them and then put them out in the correct places, don't worry if you mess up though since its your first day here" I nodded and got some hangers, putting some of the clothes onto them then hung them up near the steamer. I looked at Brad.

"Brad how do I use this?" He walked over and showed me how it worked, and I understood so became to steam the clothes, getting rid of all the creases and any small stains or marks. He watched me for a few moments then chuckled softly so I looked at him, confused. "What's so funny?"

"I'm just surprised, most rookies burn themselves with the steamer by now" I rolled my eyes and continued to steam the clothes.

"I'm not that clumsy"

"Any way, when your done hanging them in the shop just come and find me" I nodded and soon finished, so took them out into the shop, hanging them in the correct places, or where I thought they should go anyway.

When I hug up the last piece of clothing, I smiled, proud of myself then turned around and fell backwards, crashing into a clothes rack as there was a mannequin standing directly behind me, wearing a brown sweater and trousers, and a white top with glasses. I looked around and Brad was no where to be seen, and I hadn't even heard anything behind me, then again I was concentrating on putting the clothes in the right spaces.

I then heard people come over and I saw Brad and Cindy. Cindy helped me up.

"Y/n are you okay?" I nodded

"Yeah, that mannequin made me jump" Cindy then glared at Brad, hitting his shoulder.

"What did I say!" Brad looked at her

"And I said it wasn't me, that mannequin is haunted or something, you know there's something weird about it"

"No, its just you moving the same mannequin each time to make it seem haunted" He crossed his arms.

"You know it was moving before I got here, I heard the rumours"

"Exactly, you heard rumours, someone was just moving it, and your continuing it. Just get back to work and leave Y/n alone" He sighed then walked off and Cindy shook her head, also sighing.

"Sorry about that Y/n, though he doesn't admit it, he always does that to rookies" I looked at her

"Is the mannequin actually haunted?" She shook her head

"No, like I said its just a prank he does, an old prank that isn't funny, just continue doing what your doing, and relax. If he does it again ignore it or let me know" She smiled then went to her desk, and I looked at the mannequin one last time, before going back to the storage room.

Even though it was an obvious prank, the mannequin gave me chills up my spine, it seemed so real, like it was actually watching me, but I would just have to learn to live with it.

Trendermans p.o.v

As soon as she walked into the shop, I was swept away. Not only was her fashion sense almost as good as mine, but her face and body was just like a mannequin, built to perfection.

I watched her every move as she moved around the shop, putting the clothes onto the rails so delicately. Once she was finished, I needed and craved a closer look, so teleported behind her without anyone seeing.

Once she turned around, I startled her, but her scared face was so adorable, it was so hard not to kiss her there and then, but I needed to wait. All the other girls had left the shop in fear as I made my move too fast, but this new gem was so perfect, that the wait would be worth it, just to hold her close and call her mine, my precious little mannequin.

((Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I know Trender seems like a creep, but he is related too Offender after all XD))

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