Chapter 13

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Readers p.o.v

 A few weeks had passed and there had been no sign of the F.B.I and everything seemed okay, except it wasn't. Despite Slender's warnings, Trender decided that it would be safe enough for us to go home, however as soon as we stepped out of Slenders mansion we were surrounded by people with guns. Its like they had been waiting for us, like a spider waiting for a fly to land in their wed and wiggle, indicating that the spider could move in for dinner. Trender gripped my waist and pulled me closer and I gripped onto his jumper.

One man stepped forward, wearing a suit and black sunglasses then spoke.

"We gave you endermen warnings, now you've taken it too far. You either come with us and surrender that girl, or we kill you all" Trender growled and I looked at the man.

"I-I don't want to go with you, I want to stay here!" He chuckled.

"Sure you do, you want to live in a forest with a bunch of faceless freaks that kidnapped you" He looked at his workers. "We are going to have to take her by force, they are controlling her mind" I shook my head "No they're not!" I sighed "I can admit that at first it was terrifying being here, I didn't know where I was, what would happen to me, but once I got to know them they are actually really nice" The officer scoffed.

"Sure" I growled

"I'm telling the truth! Maybe your the real monsters since you judge others just because they are different, you don't even try to get to know them, its just experiments" He glared then looked at the others "That's it, move it" The other agents moved closer to us and Trender pulled me closer.

"Don't worry my love, I will protect you with my life, that's a promise" The agents aimed their guns at us and the officer spoke.

"Now, shoot them both!" I heard shuffling and a voice spoke out.

"What about the girl?"

"She's not human anymore, she's too corrupt. Look at her clinging to that monster for help. Shoot them down" There was a silence for a few moments and I closed my eyes, staying close to Trender, but I then heard the sound of guns being dropped and I opened my eyes to see that every agent had dropped their gun and were facing their boss.

"No" He growled


"We wont shoot them. Maybe that girl is right, maybe this isn't the right way to deal with this. If we attack, they will just attack back. If they were really that bad, that enderman there wouldn't be protecting her like that" The general growled and held his gun in his hand.

"Your idiots, all of you. Monsters like that cannot live in society with humans" He began to shake and gritted his teeth. "I wont accept it!" He quickly aimed the gun at Trender, but I got in the way, the bullet penetrating into my shoulder.

I fell back into Trender and he picked me up

"Y/n!" The officers looked at the general and a few of them pounced onto him, taking his gun and handcuffing his hands before he could do anything else. Trender looked down at me and I gently stroked his cheek.

"D-don't worry I'm okay" A few of the officers walked over

"She needs to go to a hospital, come with us and she will be fine" Trender hesitated but then followed the officers and got into a truck, still holding me.

My shoulder hurt like hell, but it wasn't that bad, it could have been worse. I guess its lucky that Trender is so tall, it made the officer aim higher. I looked at Trender then gently nuzzled his neck and the agents sat there, watching us.

"You two really do care about each other, don't you?" I nodded

"Yeah" He sighed

"I'm sorry, about all of this. That agent will be sent away and stripped away from his position, and no further agents will go after you, but that will be on one condition" Trender looked at the agent speaking.

"What is that?"

"That you come with us, both of you, tell your story to humanity, then come back to society" I looked at Trender and was about to speak but he nodded.

"That is a deal I can accept"

"But Trender will you be alright? You will be around humans" He stroked my hair

"As long as I have you, I'm fine" He chuckled "Besides, maybe I can become the first monster fashion designer" I laughed softly then nodded.

"Alright" I smiled then slowly fell asleep as we arrived at the hospital.

Trender's p.o.v

When we arrived at the hospital I got out of the truck with a few of the agents and took Y/n inside. Humans from every direction began to stare and watch, however none of them cowered in fear, none of them screamed or cried. They just seemed curious. Maybe humans really had changed.

A few doctors walked to us and took Y/n away and I stayed with the agents, waiting for my Y/n to be fixed.

((Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry if it was a bit cliché, I just don't want this story to be overly horror or action based since its about Trender, but I hope you enjoyed it ^^))

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