Chapter 6

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Trenders p.o.v

I held her close to my body in silence for a while, then got up and looked at her

"Since your going to be living here now, I should show you around" She nodded slightly and got up, and I wrapped an arm around her waist and walked with her around the mansion. I could tell she was nervous, but should would eventually submit to me when she realised that I was the best man for her. A man that would adore her, protect her, make her clothes, do anything for her as long as she gave her heart and body to me.

We looked around all the rooms until we got to my fashion room and she stopped.

"Y/n? Is something the matter?" She walked around the room slowly, and stroked her hand gently against some of the dresses then looked at me.

"Did you make all of these?" I nodded proudly

"Yes, do you like them?" She nodded quickly and looked at them once again, remaining silent.

I walked over to her and held her hips from behind. She froze up slightly but relaxed after a moment.

"Thank you my dear, and if you like them that much you can have them" She looked at me

"Really?" I nodded

"Yes my little mannequin, and I could even design some new clothes just for you, if you would like" She smiled a bit.

"That sounds nice, th-thank you" I nodded and 'kissed' her head, still holding her hips.

"Anything for you my dear" I leaned into her neck then had an idea. "If you want, I could design you some new clothes now" She looked at me and smiled slightly

"o-okay" I nodded then leaned into her ear

"But, you are going to have to get undressed for me" She blushed then looked at me

"W-what? Why?"

"Well I have to measure your body to design your clothes don't I~"

"I-I could just tell you what size I am" I shook my head

"No its much better to size you so the clothes fit perfectly" She looked at me nervously, but after a few moments of hesitation, she slowly began to take off her clothes, leaving her standing there in her underwear.

I looked up and down her body and she covered it up slightly, blushing darkly.

"C-could you just measure me quickly, please?" I nodded and grabbed a tape measure then walked over, still watching her body.

As I measured her delicate body, I stroked my hand against her skin which gained me a few gasps from her lips. I continued until I had touched every part of her body and stopped.

"There all done, now that wasn't that bad was it~" She was a blushing mess and shook her head slightly.

"I-I guess it wasn't" I sat at my desk

"Well you can get dressed now, unless you want to stay like that~" She shook her head and quickly got dressed which made me chuckle. So innocent.

I looked at her for a few more moments then looked at the paper that laid on my desk and began to draw different outfits that would suit my precious Y/n, some elegant, some cool, some casual, all different types that she could wear.

Readers p.o.v

I got dressed as quickly as I could and looked away from him, I had never felt more uncomfortable in my life, the way his hands went over my body as he measured me. I knew what he was up too, but I was too afraid of resisting or saying no.

"T-trender?" He looked up at me

"Yes darling?"

"C-could I leave the room? Please?" He went silent for a few moments then nodded and continued to draw.

"Sure, its not like you could escape anyway" I nodded slightly then walked out of the room and shut the door, tears beginning to form in my eyes. I looked at the front door and so badly wanted to run out back to my life, back to freedom, but I knew it was impossible. Escape was a dream that I knew couldn't come true.

I wrapped my arms around my body, hugging myself for a slight feel of comfort then ran to the closest bedroom that was in the dreaded mansion and shut the door, locking it once I entered. I walked over to the single bed that lived within the room and buried my face into its pillows, finally allowing the waterfall of tears to leak from my eyes.

I was so afraid I could hardly stand it. He made himself out to be my knight in shining armour, but in reality he was messing with my head to make me believe it, and even though I didn't want to admit it, It was working. His kind words and gentle touches were getting to me, making me want more, and that was scaring me more than anything.

((Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed! Also I hope your still alright with the way I have made Trender, as the story goes on I will make him kinder and more like his usual self, I promise))

Trenderman x Reader - My precious MannequinWhere stories live. Discover now