Chapter 2

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Readers p.o.v

I continued working until my shift was finally over, and a soft yawn escaped my lips. Though the day had been exhausting, I had a lot of fun and I was very excited to continue working the next day.

I waved good bye to Brad and Cindy, thanked them for their help, then left the building to walk home. The night sky was dark, but full of bright stars and the wind that brushed past me was cold and created a chill up my spine, though that wasn't the only thing that made chills run up my back.

As I walked, I felt like I was being watched, but every time I peaked around to see if I was being followed, no one was there. I let out a deep sigh, and tried to calm down, but I soon began to run home and eventually got to my house. I opened the door as fast as I could, then got inside and locked it.

I soon calmed down, and laughed to myself as I was just being ridiculous, so walked up to my room and softly stretched as I yawned once again. I sat down and took my jacket and shoes off, then stood up to take my shirt off, but I instantly stopped. That feeling of being watched came back, and it was unnerving. I looked at my window that beamed moonlight into the room and shut the curtains, before quickly getting undressed and practically jumped straight into bed.

I curled the covers around my body, and shut my eyes, waiting for slumber to take me, and after a while it finally did.

Trendermans p.o.v

As she began to walk home, I followed her, carefully and quietly so she wouldn't notice, though she did look around a few times to check, which I found simply adorable. When she began to run, I waited until she arrived at her house, and teleported close to where she was, watching her through the windows.

She went upstairs and I watched closely to see what she would do, but sadly she shut her curtains, blocking my view of her angelic body. I sighed but waited for a while until she fell asleep, then teleported into her room and watched over her sleeping body.

I wasn't going to touch her at the risk of waking her up, but I could no longer resist when the covers fell of the bed as she turned, revealing her body to me. I sat down on the bed, and gently stroked her hips and stomach, then studied her face more closely.

I was about to 'kiss' her, but she moved again, so I backed away, deciding I had explored her enough that night. I looked at her body once more, before I placed the covers back over her, and teleported back to the fashion shop, reclaiming my position as the most fabulous mannequin there.

Readers p.o.v

When I woke up the next morning, I had the creepiest feeling that someone had been in my room with me the night before, but as I looked around there were no signs to say that anyone had been there, so I shrugged it off and got up, before getting ready for work.

I had a shower, had breakfast, cleaned my teeth, got dressed, what I would usually do in the morning, then left my house and walked back to the fashion shop. Luckily, the feeling of being followed was no longer there, so I sighed with relief and walked inside to be greeted by Brad.

"Hey newbie, ready for another day of work?" I smiled and nodded

"Ready as I will ever be" He nodded and walked to the storage room and I followed, seeing the mannequin in the corner or my eye, watching me, well not really but it felt like it. I walked into the storage room and saw more boxes of clothes and sighed softly. Brad patted my back.

"Don't worry newbie you will get used to it" I nodded then looked at the boxes and walked to them, picking them up. Another day of hard work was ahead of me.

((Hey guys, I am so so so sorry it has taken me over a month to update, exams have been very stressful but I'm half way through!!))

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