Chapter 10

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Readers p.o.v.

I walked back into the mansion and saw Trender standing there, almost like he was expecting me to come back early.

"Your back early my love, didn't you want to stay in town for a bit longer?" I shook my head then walked to him and hugged him tightly, even though he had upset me, I just wanted to be held. After a few moments he hugged me back then picked me up. "Well we can just have our own fun here, is there anything you would like to do?" I shrugged.

"I-I'm not really sure" He went quiet for a few moments then looked at me.

"I have an idea" He took me upstairs to his fashion room then placed me down. "You like fashion don't you Y/n?" I nodded

"Yeah, I love it" He nodded.

"Well, I have a small cat walk in another room, why don't you make up some outfits with my clothes, and show me how good you look in them on the cat walk~" I looked at him then smiled slightly.

"That, actually sounds very nice" He nodded

"Well there are accessories, shoes and clothes in here. I will give you half an hour to create a few outfits, then come downstairs and work it for me~" He then left the room and I began to look at all the clothes, deciding what to pick out.

I walked over to the dresses, looking at the different styles and colours, then picked out a d/c (colour) dress that was tight on my body, but flowed down like a mermaids tail on my legs. I then selected a pair of low heels to match it and walked over to the accessories and found a pair of earrings that matched perfectly, and also a necklace to go.

I smiled and laid that outfit down on the table, and started to pick  few more. One more casual with skinny jeans, a jumper,a leather jacket and boots, then another more smart with a blazer, a shirt, a skinny pencil skirt, and a few accessories to give it a more glamorous look. After I finished all my outfits and the 30 minutes was over, I walked downstairs and found the room with the cat walk.

Trender was there, waiting and I smiled then walked into the back and got dressed into one of the outfits.

Trender's p.o.v

She walked into the back to get changed, then walked onto the cat walk and I blushed. She looked stunning. She began to walk down and smiled, and I kept looking her up and down. The dress she had picked fitted her body perfectly, and the accessories matched as well. When she got to the end of the cat walk she twirled and laughed softly, which made me happy.

"My beautiful princess~" She smiled and bowed, which made me laugh before she walked to the back again to get changed.

This time she came out in skinny jeans, a jumper, a leather jacket and boots, and she walked down the cat walk with a bounce in her step. She got to the end and blew me a kiss and I chuckled. "Looking cool babe~" She walked back and I sighed happily, before she showed me all the other outfits, looking good in every one.

Once she was finished, she walked back to me in her normal outfit and hugged me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Thank you Trender, that was really fun" She kissed my cheek and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Your welcome my dear, I'm glad you had fun, and all of those outfits are yours now, so enjoy" She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you" I then leaned down and 'kissed' her cheek before holding her hand.

"I'm going to go and design some more clothes then make them, wanna come and help me?" She nodded and smiled, and I then took her to my office and sat down with her at my desk.

Readers p.o.v

I sat down with him, smiling happily. Though I was still afraid of him, his charms were working on me. He was so sweet, handsome, and I was glad to be by his side. I looked at the design he was working on and helped him, both of us getting closer to each other. He then held my hand and I looked at him, to see his mouth was open, which made my heart skip a beat. Though I still found him handsome, his smile was quite intimidating, with sharp teeth and a wide smile, which made me shake slightly.

He leaned into my face and held his hand on my jaw.

"Are you afraid?" I looked at him and nodded slightly.

"Y-yeah a little bit" He stroked my jaw then leaned in even closer, his lips almost touching mine.

"Just trust me, and relax~" I nodded and he then pressed our lips together and began to kiss me passionately, but gently. For a few moments I didn't kiss back, unsure on how to react, but once I became more comfortable with the situation, I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

After a while we both pulled back, our gentle breaths touching each other. I blushed darkly and he smiled at me, happily.

"I love you Y/n" I smiled back.

"I-I love you too Trender" He smiled then kissed my cheek.

"I'm glad you've finally admitted it" I nodded then cuddled into his chest.

"Yeah, me too" I closed my eyes and he held me close, both of us happy in each others embrace.

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