Chapter 4

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Readers p.o.v

I eventually woke up in a hospital bed, and looked around to see Brad and Cindy sitting right next to my bed. Cindy looked at me.

"Y/n your awake! I am so sorry Y/n this is all my fault, i should have been at the shop last night instead of you" I sat up then held her hand

"Cindy there was no way you knew that was going to happen, its okay" She looked at me and hugged me gently.

"I'm just glad you didnt get hurt, we were so worried, but the doctor said you were lucky and didnt have any physical injuries" I nodded and Brad looked at me

"Not that i want you to get upset about it Y/n, but can you remember what happened last night? The cops looked at the sequrity camera, but all they show it showed was static. The only thing they could find were a few bullets around the room, and clothes all over the floor, but what can you remember?" I thought for a few moments about the events of the previous night then sighed.

"I was in the storage room counting the boxes, and I heard a crash from the shop, when I walked out there I couldnt see anyone, but when I turned around, there was a gun being pointed at my face.." They looked at me worried

"Did anything else happen?" I nodded

"They told me to get some cash out the register, but instead I pressed the alarm and ran to hide. After a few momets they found me but.." I then remebered the faceless man that I saw and froze up slightly

"But?" I stayed silent for a few moments then spoke.

"He suddenly got pulled away and he screamed, when i walked back out, he was...a-all ripped up, blood everywhere... and th-then i saw this, man, he...he had no face" Brad and Cindy looked at each other then looked at me.

"Y/n, the police didnt find any blood, or a body, the doctor said that due to what you went through, you may have blurry images of what happened, you must have been seeing things or dreamt it" I shook my head

"No, it definetly happened, and they seemed so familiar.." They sighed

"Okay, well you should rest for a while, the doctor will let you out later" I nodded and they got up and left me alone.

I laid back down on the bed and began to think about the faceless man that had been standing behind me at the shop. Something about him seemed so familiar, but I wasn't sure why, its not like I had ever seen a faceless man before. I rested my head into the cushions on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

Trendermans p.o.v

I took the body of the guy who tired to hurt my precious Y/n to my brothers house, knowing that one of his killers would make use of the body. I walked inside then looked around for him.

"Slender! I have something for you" Soon after he walked to me then looked at me with slight shock.

"Woah, Trender what happened? You don't usually kill" I shrugged

"This one was trying to hurt something very precious to me, so I had to dispose of them" He looked at me and crossed his arms.

"Something precious?" I nodded

"A girl" I then saw my brother Offender appear around the corner

"Trender you've got yourself a girl? What's she like?"

"Beautiful, innocent, I will be bringing her home very soon" Offender smirked

"You will have to introduce her to me~" I looked at her

"I will, but if you dare think of touching her I wont be happy" Offender shrugged

"Fine, she's your girl, I will just have to keep my self under control~" I sighed then gave the dead body to Slender.

"You better, anyway I've got to go, she should be getting out of the hospital soon" They nodded then waved and I left the mansion, changing my bloody sweater and trousers for cleaner ones, then went back to the fashion shop, without anyone noticing.

Readers p.o.v

Eventually I woke up, and was dismissed from the hospital then returned to work. The doctor told me that I should go home and rest, but the thought of being alone scared me too much, and if anything happened at work this time, at least Cindy and Brad would be there.

I walked into the shop and looked around, seeing that everything looked like normal, Cindy was right, there really was no blood to be seen, but I found that hard to believe. It happened, it definitely did, though I did start to doubt myself.

I walked then saw the mannequin and paused slightly. Something about it was different. I walked up to it and looked at the clothes it wore, and that's when my eyes widened. Blood was on the shirt. The trousers and sweater were clean, but there was blood. I looked up at its face and that's when I realised who the faceless man I saw was.

I quickly backed away and ran from the mannequin, and went to Cindy.

"Cindy, please can I go home?" She nodded

"Y/n you weren't supposed to come in anyway, go on, go home and rest" I nodded then ran to the front doors and went home as fast as I could, locking the door behind me. I panted and put my hands on my head.

"Its not real, its not real" I then heard a chuckle and looked up to see the faceless man standing there.

"I am real, and you are mine~" I went to scream but he went to me and covered my mouth, holding my hip "so, lets go home darling~" I struggled but then passed out from fear into the faceless strangers arms.

((I know I've made Trender quiet yandere but I think it suits him XD anyway, I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!))

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