Chapter 14

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Readers p.o.v

I eventually woke up in my warm hospital bed, Trender sitting by my side holding my hand. I looked at him then he 'kissed' my head.

"How are you feeling Y/n? How is your shoulder?" He sounded worried so I smiled at him reassuringly.

"I'm fine Trender, how are you? Has anyone bothered you?" He shook his head

"Actually I'm surprised, I've had humans come up to me and talk to me, they don't seem afraid, they just want to know who I am. Its strange but nice, humans really have changed" I nodded

"Did the doctors say when I can go?"

"They said you can go as soon as you wake up, I've already signed some papers for you" I nodded then slowly got up, Trender helping me and still held me close.

"We can go to my place, it might be a bit dusty since I haven't been there for a while" He nodded

"Its fine, I will help you clean it darling. Its my fault you've been gone for so long anyway" I nodded then laughed slightly held his hand and we left the hospital and made our way to my house.

Trender's p.o.v

After walking through town, past staring humans, we arrived at her house and went inside. I looked around then chuckled softly.

"This place brings back memories...I remember sneaking in here just so I could see you" She laughed lightly and nodded.

"I'm glad you did" I sighed softly

"Are you sure? You don't regret meeting me?" She shook her head and smiled

"Of course I don't Trender, things may have been hectic recently, and at first I was scared, but I'm glad to have you by my side" I walked over to her and hugged her as she hugged back, then I opened my mouth and kissed her gently then felt her return the kiss. After a few moments I pulled back and stroked her cheek softly.

"I love you Y/n" She smiled

"I love you too Trender" I sighed happily then looked at her

"Y/n when I was waiting for you, the agents asked me to speak with my brothers about coming into society as well. They said they would offer help for all of my brothers killers and would make sure they are okay. Would you mind if we went to see them now?" She smiled

"I don't mind, lets go" I nodded then gently held her waist and teleported inside my brothers mansion and they all stood, looking at us.

"What the hell happened?" I then began to explain the situation to them.

Readers p.o.v

After Trender had explained, there were very mixed reactions. Slender shook his head and kept his arms folded.

"No way, me and the others will remain here" However Splendor squealed happily and nodded.

"I would love to! Humans are so adorable!" And Offender seemed unsure.

"Live with the humans? Are you sure? Humans have never been very welcoming to us" Trender nodded and tried to reassure them.

"Brothers I promise its safe, we don't need to hide anymore, not all humans fear us anymore, they are just very curious" Slender sighed and shook his head.

"I don't believe what your saying, if me and my killers go into society we will be locked up for all the murder we have done, Offender for the rape and murder" Trender shook his head

"They said they would forget about the crimes as long as we go into society and explain our lives. Slender think about it, Splendor would be happier, Offender can be around more women, maybe even get a girlfriend and-" Slender growled

"Trender I said no, Splendor and Offender may join you if they want, but I am remaining far away from humans" Trender sighed then nodded

"I understand, but what about you two?" Both Splendor and Offender nodded, then Offender spoke.

"But where will we stay?"

"The agents said they can give you both places to stay at, but you will both have to get jobs so you can help pay for them" Offender groaned but Splendor squealed happily.

"That sounds fun!" Trender nodded then looked in Slenders direction but he had silently left the room and I sighed again. I held Trenders hand and rubbed it gently and he held it back.

"He's so stubborn. But anyway, should we get going?" He looked down at me and I nodded and so did the brothers. "Well then, lets go" Trender pulled me close once again then we all teleported back into town, back into society, where all of our new lives would begin.

((Hey guys sorry if this chapter was a bit boring, I tried to make it cute. Just letting you know that the next chapter should be the last one, and the story winning with the most votes at the moment is the Joker, however I will wait for a few days before I count up the total))

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