Chapter 8

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Readers p.o.v

I held onto Trender and he held me close then leaned into my ear

"Darling, hold onto me tightly and keep your eyes closed, I'm going to teleport so its going to feel strange" I looked at him, worried then nodded slightly as I closed my eyes and buried my face into his chest, shaking.

Then suddenly, for a moment, the world felt dizzy and my head felt distorted. When Trender loosened his grip on my waist, I stumbled forward, almost falling, but Trender caught me before I was able to hit the ground.

"Are you okay darling?" I nodded slightly and held my head

"Y-yeah, I'm just dizzy" He held me then picked me up bridal style

"Maybe we can just walk everywhere from now on, unless its an emergency" I nodded and leaned into him as he carried me inside.

Trenders p.o.v

I entered my brothers mansion and looked around before I called his name

"Slender! I'm back and I've brought a guest!"

"And what a fine guest she is~" I then looked over to see my brother, Offender, leaning against the door way leading into the living room. His gaze was on my precious Y/n so I held her closer, as my brother I hoped he could control himself around her, but I could never be sure with him.

"This is Y/n, my partner" He walked over and smirked.

"So this is the lady you've been talking about~ Well the names Offender babe, I'm Trenders older brother, its very nice to meet you~" He took her hand and kissed it, and she blushed lightly before pulling her hand back.

"Its n-nice to meet you too Offender.." He smirked and I then heard Slender walk down the stairs so looked over.

"Hello Slender" He crossed his arms.

"Trender, why have you brought that girl here? You know I don't allow humans in my mansion"

"Slender, this is my partner Y/n, since she will be by my side from now on, I decided it would be a good idea for her to meet you, but I also need a favour" His arms were still crossed and he looked at me.

"Favour? What favour would that be?"

"I remember you mentioning a pendant that could make your killers look like them old selves, more human like, I was wondering if you would let me borrow it" He looked at me

"Why would you need to borrow it?"

"So I can take Y/n into town and-" He shook his head

"Absolutely not, its only used for emergencies"

"But brother, she needs to be able to go into town and-"

"Then let her go alone, if you remember I said the effects vary, and you could turn back into your normal self out of no where, what would happen if humans saw you?"

"Then I would teleport away" He sighed

"No Trender, I thought you would know better, its too dangerous, you will just have to allow her to go into town alone" Offender smirked

"I could go with her~" I 'glared' at him

"Not a chance, I don't trust you around her" I looked at Slender then sighed "I guess we should go, good bye" I walked out of the mansion then sighed and looked at Y/n. "I'm sorry about that, I guess I cant go with you...but I will allow you to go out into town, as long as your not out for too long" She nodded and I then leaned Into her ear "Besides, when you go into work I will just watch you as a mannequin again~"

She blushed slightly and I chuckled as we walked back to my mansion, her body pressed against my side as we walked.

Even though my brother had not given me the pendant, I would still follow my sweet Y/n everywhere, for safety, but also to make sure she wouldn't run away from me.

"So darling, when is the next time you have to work?" She looked at me

"Well, I have to work tomorrow, and on Friday then that's it, I only work week days" I looked at her then sighed.

"That's a lot of days my dear, cant you ask for less? Since you don't actually need the money anymore"

"I guess.." I then thought and looked at her again.

"You know what doll face, you should just quit"

"Quit? But I like my job"

"But there is no point in having a job if you don't need the money, I will still allow you to go into town, but no longer work"


"You will quit tomorrow my dear, you will see this is for the best" She looked away from me and slightly moved away and I sighed softly. "I'm sorry...maybe you don't have to quit just...ask for less days alright?" She nodded slightly but still kept her distance, which hurt me as we walked back, the silent journey home seeming like it lasted for hours.

When we finally arrived she went straight upstairs and I looked down, realising I had made mistakes once again. I just didn't want her out of my sight, someone as beautiful as her could attract anyone, especially that male worker, always staring at what belongs to me.

I followed her upstairs, to see her sitting on the bed, a saddened look on her face. I sat next to her and held her hand but she slightly pulled away.

"I thought you were going to be more willing to let me go out..." I sighed and held her hand tighter

"Look, please just do this one thing for me, ask for less days, you can still work just not as much...and you can still go out" She sighed and looked away

"Alright..." I pulled her close then laid down and held her.

"I love you Y/n" She closed her eyes.

"I know..." I felt a pain in my heart as she didn't return my feelings, but I just had to give her time for her heart to fall for mine"

Trenderman x Reader - My precious MannequinWhere stories live. Discover now