Chapter 1

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*** This book is dedicated to my buddies ObsessedwithChance and ConnieGodfrey22 !!
 To Yann for never disappointing me with AWESOME book covers and to Connie for being Tividam's creator. Love you ladies.


The storm raged as Austin strains his eyes to see the road through the heavy downpour. After his parents died three months ago during a tornado, he decided to just pack up and go. Where he didn't know. But he didn't plan on getting lost in the process.

He ended up on a backroad from hell. Trees hung over the road in a creepy manner, like something out of a horror movie.

He cursed the de-fogger as he tries to wipe the foggy windshield with his hand. Only making things worst.

He starts to rummage through the trash in the front seat, looking for something to wipe the windshield with. He takes his eyes off the road just for a second, glancing down in the seat.

"OH, MY GOD!" He screams as he glances back to the road to see a deer in the middle of the road. He serves losing control of his car on the wet pavement going around a sharp curve.

The car runs off the road hitting a tree.

"Owwww." Austin moans as he reaches for his head after hitting the steering wheel. "YOU *SSHOLE!" He yells as the deer runs away. He turns on the interior light to see a small amount of blood on his hand. Looking into the review mirror he sees a small cut on his forehead.

"This sucks." He mumbles as he gets a flashlight out of the glove compartment. Pulling the hood of his jacket up, he gets out of the car. Shining the light on his car, it was plain to see it was totaled.

He walks back out into the road, not a car or house in sight. The cold rain beat down on him as he begins to walk. Humming quietly to himself to try and keep his thoughts off of what could be lurking in the woods. Wolves, escaped convicts, Sasquatches, a crazed maniac with a chainsaw.

A white wooden cross on the side of the road, tells him that someone wasn't as lucky as he was.

He had no idea what time of night it was or even how long he had been walking. He only knew he was tired, hungry, cold and extremely frightened.

"Thank-you, Jesus." Austin whispers as he sees the lights coming from a house just up the road a bit. He thought about running rest of the way but couldn't get his cold and tired legs to cooperate.

He stumbles slightly as he walks up on the porch. Stopping to catch his breath before knocking on the door.

A bright flash of lightning followed by a deafening clap of thunder causes him to jump and look around nervously.

When he turns back around to the door, he is shocked to see a tall man with long brown hair standing in the doorway. Dark brown eyes stare at him with a raised brow. Probably wondering what kind of idiot would be out in weather like this.

"I ..I'm so sorry if I woke you, Sir." Austin says in a shaky voice.

"Oh, I wasn't asleep." The man says softly in a very low tone voice.

"I was .. I was wondering if I could use your phone?" Austin asks as he shivers from the cold.

"Sorry, but we don't have a phone." The man answers, shaking his head. Taking pity on the tiny shivering man, the brown-eyed stranger steps back from the doorway. "But you look like you need to warm up a bit."

"Yes, Please, if you don't mind?" Austin smiles. "I had an accident down the road. I was coming around a really sharp curve when a deer runs out in front of me. I swerved to miss it and lost control of the car."

The stranger nods as he starts to make a pot of coffee.

"Yes, that curve is very dangerous." The stranger reaches into the cabinet for a cup.

Austin takes a minute to glance around the house. Very neat and clean, kinda old fashion. Made him think of Sherriff Andy's house on 'The Andy Griffith Show'.

"By the way, my name is Austin." Austin smiles and sits down at the table as the brown-eyed man hands him a nice hot cup of coffee. "Thank-you."

"Tim." The stranger says with a smile. "You weren't hurt were you?"

"Just hit my head on the steering wheel." Austin says, pulling his hair back to show the injury.

"Doesn't look too bad." Tim says as he looks at the small cut. "Nothing a band-aid can't fix. Uh, one of my wives is kinda small like you, he may have some dry clothes to put on."

(Polygamy is not uncommon in this story)

"One of your wives?" Austin asks with raised brows.

"Or I guess most people would call them my husbands. But they refer to themselves as my wives. Avi and Adam. They're asleep upstairs." Tim says with a smile.

"Wow, I can't even get one husband, much less two." Austin chuckles.

"I'll be right back. If you're hungry, you might find something in the fridge. Just help yourself." Tim says, getting up from the table.

"As a matter of fact, I am pretty hungry." Adam nods. "Thank-you."

Tim goes upstairs and walks quietly into the bedroom. He smiles lovingly down at his beautiful wives/husbands.

"Avi?" He whispers as he brushes his wife's long dark curls out of his face.

"Hmmm?" Avi answers as he rolls over.

"Shhhh." Tim quietens him and glances at Adam to make sure they hadn't disturbed him. Adam shifts a bit but continues to sleep.

"There's a guy downstairs. He had a wreck. He's not hurt but he needs some dry clothes. He's soaked." Tim whispers. "I think your clothes would fit him a little better than Adam's."

"Okay." Avi answers softly as he quietly gets up from the bed. "Are you sure he's not hurt?"

"Well, he's got a small cut on his forehead. But it's not bad. Got any band-aids?" Tim asks as he follows Avi to the closet.

"Yeah, they're in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom." Avi answers. "Is the guy my size?"

"Maybe a little taller but skinnier." Tim says as he heads to the bathroom.

Avi giggles and kisses Tim's cheek as he reaches around Tim and easily finds the band-aids that Tim was having difficulty finding.

"What's going on?" Adam asks, sitting up and rubbing his eyes as Tim and Avi come out of the bathroom.

"We have company." Avi answers.

"At this hour?" Adam asks, looking at the clock which read 3:35.

"He had a car wreck." Tim adds as he places a kiss on the blond's forehead.

"Oh, my God. Is he alright?" Adam asks as he grabs some clothes.

"He seems to be." Tim says. "Just cold, wet and hungry. I told him to help himself to something to eat."

"You left him downstairs alone? What if he's a thief?" Avi says as he slips on some jogging pants.

"He could be helping himself to everything we have." Adam adds.

"Seriously?" Tim chuckles as he sits down on the bed, watching his wives get dressed. "The guy has a bump on his forehead the size of Texas. I don't think he's thinking about stealing."




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