Chapter 19

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Tim smiles lovingly down at his hand and at the rings his wives had put back on his finger. No, they might not had been the original wedding bands but they meant just as much.

He looks up from his seat by the window when one of his wives coughs quietly in their sleep.

Tim smiles as he watches Adam sleeping peacefully. His number one, his angel. Adam's hair was tied back into a pony tail but some loose strands of hair lay across his beautiful face.

Adam, his rock. They started dating in high school. They were even voted 'King and King' of their high school prom. Adam has always been his shoulder to lean on when things got a little too rough. Without Adam, he would have probably lost his mind years ago.  

His eyes shift over to a sleeping Avi, his beautiful baby boy. Tim chuckles quietly at the soft snores coming from his bearded wife. His long dark hair hung in ribbons around his shoulders.

Avi, his fire. Adam and Avi became friends long before Tim ever met Avi. When Adam introduced them, there was an immediate attraction. The younger man was like an unpredictable, uncontrollable flame.  Traits that Tim loved about him.

His heart was filled with so much love for these two. He was so blessed that they came into his life. They completed him.

Tim turns his attention back out the window and the snow covered road below. He moves slightly back from the window as he sees headlights creeping slowly up the road. He didn't want to take any chances at being seen.

"Son of a ..." He whispers to himself as he recognizes the car as it stops in the road in front of their house, turning off the headlights. "What the h*ll is she doing? Spying?"

"What?" Adam mumbles as he raises his head.

"Shhhhh." Tim says putting a finger to his lips. He motions for his wife to come there. "Stay down." He adds with a whisper.

"What's the matter?" Adam whispers, climbing out of bed being careful not to wake Avi. He slips over and peaks over Tim's shoulder out the window.

"Look." Tim says quietly as he points at the car.

"Who is it?" Adam asks with a yawn.

"That's the b*tch's car." Tim answers.

"Oh, my God. It is." Adam says. "What is she doing in front of our house at two o'clock in the morning?"

"I have no idea." Tim replies as he pulls Adam over into his lap. They watch, well hidden from the stalker's view.

"You think that she's trying to get proof?" Adam whispers.

"Proof?" Tim asks, propping his chin on his wife's shoulder.

"Yeah, proof that you are here." Adam says. "You know, maybe trying to get a picture of you looking out the window or something?"

"Well, she definitely ain't trying to be too secretive about." Tim smiles. "Shows you how stupid she is."

Suddenly a light from the kitchen downstairs illuminates the snow outside. Chance or Austin were in the kitchen.

The car starts up and quickly takes off, sliding a bit on the slick road.

"Why don't you go back to bed." Tim says as he kisses Adam's shoulder. "I'm going downstairs to see who's up."

"Okay, good night." Adam whispers as he turns to kiss his husband. "I love you."

"Love you too, Angel." Tim smiles tucking Adam into bed before heading downstairs.

"Hey." Tim says as he walks into the kitchen seeing his best friend.

"Hey. I'm stealing a bottle of your water." Chance chuckles.

"No problem. Listen, we may have a slight problem." Tim says as he sits down at the table.

"Really? What's wrong?" Chance asks as he joins Tim at the table.

"I believe we have a stalker." Tim answers.

"A stalker? Seriously? Who?" Chance asks, leaning forward on the table. "Wait, Jenika?"

"Yeah." Tim nods.

"How do you know?" Chance asks.

"Adam and I just seen her from the bedroom window." Tim says. "She was parked out on the road right in front of the house. She sat there for a good fifteen minutes. Just watching the house."

"Sh*t. That's kinda creepy." Chance says, shaking his head in disbelief. "What do you think she's up to?"

"I don't know." Tim shrugs. "But it can't be good. Adam seems to think that she's trying to get proof that I'm here."

"That could really stir up some sh*t." Chance says.

"True. I'll just have to start being more careful." Tim says with a nod. "I just hope she leaves Adam and Avi alone. If she hurts one of them, Chance, I swear to God, I'll kill the b*tch."

"Trust me, I believe you." Chance says, patting Tim on the arm. "But right now we just need to figure out what she's actually up to."

"Will you and Austin just please do me a favor." Tim asks in a low soft voice.

"You name it." Chance says.

"Please help me protect them from her." Tim says.

"You didn't even have to asks, Timmy." Chance smiles. "You know we will."

"Thanks." Tim says as he stands. "I'm heading back upstairs."

"Yeah, I need to go back to bed. So glad I'm off tomorrow." Chance says as he also stands up.

"How come you're not opening the store?" Tim asks as they head upstairs.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, Tim. The store isn't open on Sundays." Chance explains.

"Oh, I sort of lose track of the days." Tim chuckles. "Good night or what's left of it."

"Good night, Buddy." Chance smiles, heading down the hall as Tim goes back into his bedroom.

As Tim walks quietly into the bedroom, Avi sits up quickly with a frightened look on his face.

"Hey, Sweet Pea. It's just me. Are you alright?" Tim asks softly.

"Oh, thank God. It was just a dream." Avi breathed as he covers his face with his hands.

"A bad dream?" Tim asks softly as he easily crawls into bed between his lovers.

"Yeah." Avi nods, close to tears.

Tim lays down and wraps an arm around the smaller man pulling him closer.

"You want to talk about it?" Tim asks, kissing him on the forehead.

"We were having an earthquake. I was trying to run but kept falling down. I just couldn't stand up. The ground was almost like Jello. I couldn't find you or Adam anywhere." Avi says as he snuggles up to his husband and lays his head on Tim's chest. "I thought maybe y'all had gotten out and left me."

"Baby Boy, there's no way that I would leave you behind." Tim says as he runs his fingers through Avi's hair.

"I know. And you know why I know?" Avi asks as he raises his head to look at Tim.

"Because I love you?" Tim asks with a smile.

"Because you love me." Avi answers with a grin.



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