Chapter 12

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"I'm sorry, guys." Olena whispers as she serves them their drinks. "I honestly think she's gone nuts. She was so obsessed with Tim when he was alive that she actually thought they were in a relationship."

"But you know they weren't, right?" Adam asks.

"Oh, I know. I was there when she came on to him and he rejected her. He told her that he was married and that he loved his wives very much." Olena smiles sadly. "But in her mind, she thinks he actually loved her and that they were having an affair."

"In other words, she's nuts." Austin says.

"Technically speaking? Yes." Olena says with a shrug. "Guys, she's even got pictures of Tim all over her apartment. It looks like a shrine to Tim Foust. She stalked him and would take pictures of him. She's even got tee shirts with the name 'Foust' written on the back."

"Geez, I didn't know it was that bad. I just thought she was trying to cause our marriage problems." Avi says.

"Oh, she was though, Avi. She thought maybe if you guys really believed that she and Tim were having an affair that yall would divorce him. And then he would be all hers." Olena says as she glances around to make sure Jenika wasn't within hearing distances. "And I'll tell you something else..."

"Miss? Can I have some more tea?" A customer asks.

"Well, duty calls. Talk to yall later." Olena says before leaving to help her other customers.

Adam gives a heavy sigh as he looks around at Avi.

"That's crazy." Adam nods.

"Guys?" Tim whispers. "A thought just occurred to me. The b*tch is nuts, you don't think she'll try to harm Adam or Avi, do you?"

"Baby, don't worry about us. We'll be fine." Adam whispers.

"Sweetie, remember the movie 'Fatal Attraction'? The crazy b*tch tried to kill the wife." Tim says in a low whisper. 

Adam and Avi shares a nervous glance.

"I just wonder what else Olena was going to tell us." Chance says quietly.

"No telling. Probably that Jenika adopted a kid and telling everyone it's mine." Tim says.

"Actually, with all that Olena has told us? I wouldn't be the least surprised." Avi says.

"Uh, miss?" Chance says as he motions for Olena.

"Yes?" Olena asks innocently.

"Can I have some lemon for my tea?" Chance asks.

"Sure." She says as she goes to get the lemon. "Here ya go, sorry."

Chance grabs her by the arm gently.

"What else were you going to tell us?" Chance whispers.

"Oh. Jenika bought the burial plot next to Tim's." Olena whispers.

"What? But that's a family plot. Avi and I will be buried on each side of Tim." Adam says.

"Yeah, but she bought the one right next to yours." Olena says. "Gotta go."

"That girl has definitely got a problem." Austin says, shaking his head as Olena walks away.

"You know, I can drive her so crazy that they would have to lock her up." Tim whispers.

"What? What do you mean?" Avi whispers.

"I can take any form without my body. Whether it's unseen, like now, or a mist, a shadow figure or a full-body apparition, kind of a ghostly see-through." Tim says. "I can drive her completely nuts."

"I think she's already there." Adam says softly.

"Guys, guys. I gotta make this quick." Olena says as she runs back over to the table. "Jenika left to go run some errands and she accidentally left her phone. You gotta see this."

The first thing they notice was her screen saver. A picture of Tim. She begins to thumb through Jenika's photos. Most of them were candid shots of Tim. That she had taken while stalking him.

"That's not all. On Facebook, she's Jenika Foust and on Twitter, she's Mrs. Foust." Olena says. "Oh, and when she gets back be sure to check out her name tag."

"F*ck." Tim mumbles.

Olena quickly looks around.

"Did yall hear that?" She asks.

"No." The four men answer a little too quickly, shaking their heads. They clearly heard Tim.

"And I thought Jenika was the one that was going nuts. I could have sworn I just heard Tim." Olena says as she walks away shaking her head.

"Timothy." Adam scolds quietly through gritted teeth.

"Sorry." Tim whispers. "But the c*nt really pisses me off."

By the time they were through eating, Jenika had returned from her errands. She hurries to the register to cash them out.

"And how was everything?" She asks with a fake smile.

"It was alright, I guess." Adam mumbles as he reaches for his wallet.

"Uh, since when did Marion start with the letter 'F'?" Avi asks with raised brows.

Jenika glances down at her name tag then gives the bearded man a smirk.

"Just so you know, Tim only had two wives and you weren't one of them, B*tch." Avi growls.

"I have you know, Mr. Avi. Tim was actually thinking about taking a third wife. Me." Jenika says with a smile.

"Girl, you need to be in a mental institution somewhere. Cause you are f*cking nuts." Adam says.

"I don't understand why yall don't believe me." Jenika says as her expression becomes serious.

"Because you're a d*mn idiot, that's why." Chance replies. "No one knew Tim Foust better than me. We were been best friends since school. I know for a fact that he was totally gay. Women did not interest him in no way. You just need to stop all this bullsh*t. Stop living in your freaky daydream."

Jenika huffs as she leans over the counter, lowering her voice.

"Get this through your thick skulls. Tim and I were in love. We f*cked many times." She says through clenched teeth. "At one time, we thought I was even pregnant. He was so excited to be a father."

Suddenly, her name tag was ripped from her shirt and thrown across the floor.

They all stood frozen. No one knew what to do or say.

"You done pissed me off, B*tch." Tim growls in Jenika's ear. "You want trouble? Well, you got trouble. Me!"

A cold breeze sweeps past the guys as Tim heads to the door.

"Oh, and have a nice day." Avi smiles as he pulls back his hair, revealing the hickey.

 They turn and follow Tim out the door.



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