Chapter 16

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"Did you get the shopping list, Avi?" Adam asks as they all get into Avi's car.

"Yep, got it in my pocket." Avi answers as he starts the car.

"Tim? Are you here?" Austin asks as he reaches over in the seat next to him.

"Yeah, and by the way, you have your hand laying on my dick." Tim says.

"Oh, good grief, Tim." Austin says, jerking his hand back as the bass man laughs hysterically.

"You are going to behave in the store, right, Tim?" Adam asks as he looks back between the seats to the empty seat.

"Don't I always?" Tim asks.

"No." His wives answer in unison.

"Well, now. This should be interesting." Tim comments as they pull up in front of Chance's store.

Chance's El Camino was parked out front but so was Jenika's car.

Chance looks up at the sound of the bell above the door. A huge smile comes across his face when he sees Austin. He quickly nods his head over in Jenika's direction. She was in one of the aisles doing some shopping.

"Morning, Chance." A low voice says near his ear causing him to jump.

"D*mn-it, Tim. I wish you wouldn't do that." Chance whispers. "I don't want my store destroyed, understand? I know it's like a world war when you two get in the same room."

"Just for you, Chance. I won't start anything." Tim chuckles.

Jenika rolls her eyes as she sees Adam and Avi getting a shopping cart as Austin talks to Chance. But she continues her shopping.

"Will you stop, Tim." Adam says softly as he picks up the can of Ravioli that Tim had secretly set in the cart and put it back on the shelf.

"But I like Ravioli." Tim whispers.

"You don't even eat." Avi snickers.

"Well, good morning." Jenika says in a very sarcastic manner.

"It was." Adam mumbles as he continues to shop.

"Uh, where's Timothy?" Jenika asks as she glances around the store.

"What's it to ya?" Avi replies.

"Just wanted to say hello." Jenika says as her eyes fall on the large hickey on Avi's neck. She suddenly reaches out and grabs Avi's hair, pulling his head back. "What the hell is this?!"

"HEY!" Adam shouts, drawing Chance and Austin's attention to the happenings in the aisle.

"OWWW!" Avi yells, reaching for her hand that was gripping on to his hair.

"Oh, crap." Chance groans as he and Austin head in that direction.

A hard force suddenly hits Jenika in the chest knocking her back. Forcing her to turn loose of Avi.

"KEEP YOUR F*CKING HANDS OFF MY WIFE, B*TCH!" Tim voice growls out loudly.

"Are you alright?" Adam asks as he pulls Avi out of the line of fire.

"Yeah." Avi nods as he rubs his head.

"Guys, Please don't start anything in my store." Chance says as he takes hold of Jenika's arm.

"Tim, where are you?" She says as she jerks her arm away from the store owner. "How could you do this to me?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tim asks as his ghostly image appears standing protectively in front of his wives. "Do what to you?"

"Why did you cheat on me?" She asks as tears fills her eyes. "How could you do this to us?"

"WHAT!!?? CHEAT!!?? AND THERE IS NO US!! NEVER WAS, NEVER WILL BE!!" Tim shouts angrily. "THESE ARE MY WIVES, FOR CHRIST SAKE!! I WILL make love to them any d*mn time I please! And if you ever lay another hand on one of them, I will f*ck you up so back they'll have to use your dental records to identify you. UNDERSTAND!!??"

"Uh, Chance?" Austin says, tugging on Chance's jacket as he points toward the window.

Chance looks around to see Rob Lundquist, the English teacher at the town's elementary school, and his wife, Kelsey, getting out of their car.

"Tim. It's Mr. Lundquist!" Chance says with a panicked voice.

Without a word, Tim quickly vanishes.

"Get away from the crazy loon." Tim whispers to Adam.

"Avi, come on." Adam says as he hurries to another aisle.

"Good morning." Chance smiles nervously at the teacher and his wife as they walk into the store.

"Good morning, Chance. Beautiful day we're having." Rob smiles.

"Yeah, better enjoy it while you can. I hear it's supposed to turn off cold." Chance says, walking behind the counter.

"TIM!! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO??!! WE ARE NOT DONE HERE!!" Jenika screams out, drawing the attention of everyone.

Austin couldn't help but smile and hang his head at the expression on the teacher's face.

"Isn't that the girl that owns the restaurant?" Rob asks quietly. "What's wrong with her?"

"Yeah, well, it's one of the girls." Chance answers.

"She's been yelling like that since she's come in." Austin adds.

"Tim? Is she talking about Tim Foust?" Kelsey asks.

Before Chance had time to answer, Jenika runs to the aisle where Adam and Avi were.

"Where did Tim go?" She asks as she grabs Adam by the arm.

"Turn loose of me." Adam says, jerking his arm from her grasp. "Tim died almost a year ago."

"Come on, Adam. She's crazy." Avi says as they hurriedly make their way to the counter with Jenika hot on their heels.

"Jenika, if you don't stop harassing the Fousts, I'll be forced to call the law." Chance says.

"You saw him, Chance! He was standing right there in that aisle!" Jenika says.

"The only ones I've seen are you, Austin and the Fousts." Chance says.

"Okay, Avi? Who put that hickey on your neck? HUH!?" Jenika asks.

"I had a date last night if it is any of your business." Avi answers.

"Well, Honey, it's been close to a year. Maybe it is time for you guys to move on." Kelsey says as she rubs Avi's arm.

"That's bullsh*t! Tim put that hickey on his neck!" Jenika says through clenched teeth.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't talk to my wife that way." Rob says, adjusting his glasses. "Tim is gone. We were at his funeral."

"She knows that, Rob. She was even at the funeral." Adam says. "I don't know why she keeps bringing Tim up. She knows it hurts us."

"Oh, cry me a river." Jenika says as she rolls her eyes.

"She's got this crazy notion in her head that she and Tim were having an affair." Avi says.

"This is crazy." Kelsey replies. "Everyone that knew Tim knew just how much he cherished you guys. You two were the loves of his life."

"Well, apparently, Mrs. Lundquist, you didn't know Tim Foust as well as you thought you did." Jenika says with a smirk on her face. "Cause Tim and I were very much in love. He was even planning on taking me as a third wife. We were planning on having children. Something these two couldn't give him."

"You know what I think?" Rob says as he cleans his glasses. "Personally, I think you're nuts and needs to be in an institution somewhere in a padded room."



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