Chapter 2

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I had no idea what I was thinking when I agreed to this. Andrew made a strong case and when Shawn came in and pleaded with me, I was a goner.

To my friends and family it wasn't a secret that I would do anything that Shawn would ask of me, I adored the man- almost worshipped the ground he walked on. They thought it was some stupid celebrity crush, they didn't know what he had meant to me and how much he had helped me. Even if he didn't know it.

But there were a lot of school mates among the crowd, most had seen me and knew I didn't talk a lot. Some were even classmates that knew I honestly didn't talk unless asked directly.

Now I was going to sing in front of them.

With Shawn Mendes.

What weren't they going to think of me? How would they react to it?

How would they treat me Monday?

There was no doubt in my mind that I would be treated differently. Some would most likely be a bitch/arse to me and others would treat me as if we were best friends forever...

Yeah right.

Shawn opened his concert with 'There's nothing holding me back' and made small talk to the crowd. All I've dreamt of since I was a fan of his was to witness a concert of his as close as I could get but I never thought that I'd be on stage with him, singing.

My God, what had I agreed to?

I was freaking out, I knew it and apparently, so did Andrew because he put a hand on my shoulder in a soothing gesture. "Don't worry, I know that he wouldn't let you down."

James TW, Shawn's opening act, stood next to me. "Really, he won't. You'll be just fine- don't worry about it, okay? Just... let it go."

"Just let it go." I murmured, more for my sake than for his.

"Okay, everyone!" He adressed the crowd in front of him. From the corner of his eye, he looked at me and gave me a small nod- so small that I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't so close. "Tonight, it's going to be a bit different."

The crowd roared and I was surprised at how they responded to every word he said. It was amazing what kind of an influence he had on these teenagers- both boys and girls. I shouldn't really be surprised because I knew that I'd be one of the worst cases out there. I'd most likely be crying by then.

I didn't have time to cry backstage though. Between fearing going on stage just in a couple of minutes and my phone constantly ringing- most likely my friend- I was worrying too much to actually think of crying.

"Tonight I want to change things up a bit. Uhm, yesterday I went out to eat and the place had a karaoke evening. They were all talented but only one captured my attention and I was lucky enough to find her for tonight. After some begging and pleading, she finally gave in and is willing to come sing my next song with me." He was anouncing me and I was pretty sure I was quite close to fainting.

They couldn't help my clothing much so the people backstage focused on my hair instead. They braided it in some way and now my hair was pulled to one side. I really reminded myself of Lagertha of Vikings.

I love that show!

Anyway, Shawn was talking to the crowd and they seemed super stoked with what he was saying but I couldn't help but wonder what they would do if they knew it was me- a nobody?

A couple of people from my school were standing front row, they'd see me as first. Why?

"Together we're going to sing the Weight, please give it up for the amazingly talented Sabrina Jacobs!"

Everyone clapped as I made my way on stage but I saw some people- mostly those I knew and that knew me- falter for a minute before clappin again.

My friend was looking so proud of me as she was clapping and cheering.

"I hope you guys enjoy this." He told everyone.

I settled behind the microphone next to him. I prayed that I wouldn't mess it up because we didn't have time to rehearse it. We'd just have to do it, hoping I knew the song well enough to know when my part was coming up.

From the corner of my eye, Shawn gave me a nod to assure me before starting the song.

It went relatively well. I didn't mess it up and was right on time to pick up where he left off.

To be honest, I loved it. It was amazing, the experience was one I'd never forget. We sung well together and apparently so thought his fans because they were all singing along and cheering for us.

Behind the curtains at the side of the stage, both James and Andrew were standing with smiles on their faces and were both giving us the thumbs up.

The adrenaline was still coursing through me as we wrapped up the song.

"C'mon guys, give it up for the amazing Sabrina! Whoa! She was amazing, wasn't she?"

Everyone was screaming and yelling my name, cheering me on. It was amazing and I could see why Shawn would say that he loved being on stage and lived for his fans and that he owed us everything.

"Sabrina, thanks for being here and singing with me. It was a true pleasure."

"The honor was all mine." I replied. "Thanks for singing with me."

"I loved doing it." He hugged me close and whispered in my ear; "Wait for me backstage."

I nodded and left his embrace, missing the warmth immediately.

"Bye everyone!" I yelled out to everyone and walked off the stage.

I spent the reminder of the concert backstage with Andrew and James. It had been an amazing experience but I knew it would ruin the rest of my life. When I'd return to my normal life come monday, I'd be bored and disappointed now that I'd gotten a taste of this.

I'd have to live with it.

It didn't help that James asked to exchange phone numbers and made me promise to stay in contact with him. Andrew was also nearby all the time but I just stayed near the side of the stage because I wanted to see him perform, it was what I paid for after all.

After a while, the concert was done and I'd gone to the exit when a hand wrapped around my arm and stopped me.

I turned around and saw Shawn standing there with a smile.

"You were amazing!"





Ugh, I wish that'd happen to me but noooo I'm not even going to meet him. I would've gotten a m&g but for some reason I didn't anymore so... ugh..
anyway, here's the picture of the hairstyle

 anyway, here's the picture of the hairstyle

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Instant Famous ➳ Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now