Chapter 6

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I was still buzzing the night I got to my hotel room after the first concert. Shawn followed me inside, making sure I was okay.

"How was it?"

"It was amazing, Shawn. I get what you meant when you said that the adrenaline you get from their shouts give you strength to get through it. It was amazing, I felt so free."

He chuckled at my enthusiasm. "It's amazing, isn't it?"

"That's one way to describe it." I sat down on my bed. "Thanks for giving me this opportunity, Shawn. It means the world to me."

"Yeah, no problem. You know, I have wondered why you accepted so quickly. I mean, didn't you have plans for the summer? When I was your age I wasn't as famous as I am now so I didn't have as much on my plate as I do now which meant I could hang out with my friends- something I took advantage of."

I shook my head. "I did have plans, I was accepted for a language vacation travelling through Canada and Northern America. I was allowed to go if my grades were good. It's not like I traded it for something less."

"I'm very happy you're here with us, Sabrina. You bring a light with you that we soemtimes miss on the road."

"It's my honour, Shawn. Truly."

He hugged me and kissed my cheek, setting it aflame. The more time I spend with Shawn, the more feelings I develope for him. I'm not crazy, I know it would never work and that it would never happen to begin with but he's Shawn Mendes and he is amazing. He gets me in a way a lot of people don't.

But I value his friendship and that is why I decided not to let anything- not even my feelings- get in the way of that. That would hurt me more than being rejected.

He pulled back and stood up. "I'll leave you to it, get some sleep after you call your parents, okay? I'm sure they want to know about your first concert. Rest is important though, I saw how you were on stage tonight- if you wanna stay that hyper you're gonna need your rest."

"Okay." I mumbled.

He kissed my cheek again and rubbed my back. "Goodnight."


He left my room and I sat behind my laptop. I know it would be early morning in Belgium but dad insisted on waking up just to videocall with me right after I came from the arena.

He never failed to prove me wrong because I thought he would still be sleeping but instead my call was answered within the ten seconds.

"Sabrina, look at you !" He exclaimed. "You look amazing, my dear."

"Thanks dad."

"Tell me, how was it?" He sat eager behind his phone and I smiled.

"It was unbelievable, dad. I still can't believe how accepting most of his fans are. I mean, I know they write trash about me on Instagram and such but out there, that was amazing! I mean, ugh, Dad, the way they screamed my name. It did something to me. It made me feel something I've never felt before. I wanna feel it again."

He smiled proudly at me. "Some videos have already appeared and there are rumours of you beginning your singing career."

"Yeah, and that's just what they are- rumours. We both know what education means to me and I know that I won't be able to combine the two. I'm not capable of that, personally. That is not to say that I haven't been aproached by some agents. Shawn and Andrew have been helping me with it but there is only so much they can do."

"Yeah." He sighed. "Sabrina, if that is something you want to do, I will not stop you. I just want you to finish school."

"That's what I want too, without distractions and I know that a distraction like that is not going to allow me to finish school. I'll probably do something rash, such as dropping out."

"If that is what you want to do."

"Yeah, Dad. It is." I nodded. I looked at the time and sighed. "Hey, Dad, I love you but I also love sleep and right now it's calling for a meet up as well. I'm sure your lover is waiting for you as well."

Dad always jokes when he is asked if he has a lover on the side. He makes people believe he does and then describes sleep. It's amazing to see the look on their faces when they realize that.

"You're right, it is. I shouldn't disappoint it."

"No, you shouldn't." I agreed. "Bye dad."

"Bye, sweetie."

I hung up and sat on my bed again with a deep sigh while running my hands over my face.

On one hand I did want to do this more often, and not just with or for Shawn. On the other hand, I did know that what I told my dad was true. If I were to do something like that, I know I would get so distracted that I would let my grades drop and do something rash such as dropping out and then signing up again- you see where I'm going to.

Not a good idea.

Let's see what it will be like for these two months I'm here and if I can handle it.

After that, we'll see.

With another sigh, I got up from bed and made my way to the bathroom where I got ready for bed. It was quite hot so I opted for shorts and a tank top.

Like the past couple of nights, I walk out into the suite to grab a glass of water. Unlike the previous nights, the little kitchen was not empty. Instead, Shawn was sitting at the breakfast bar with his phone in front of him.

"Bye Aaliyah, I'll see you soon!"

He hung up and out his phone down as I opened the fridge. "Your sister?"

"Yeah, she's super excited to meet us at our next stop. And to finally meet you."

"Meet me?" I repeated.

"Yeah, you're like her idol now. She says you're amazing and super beautiful and stuff."

"Tell your sister to get her eyes checked out."

"Mhm..." he said non commitedly.

I stood up and took my glass. "I'm going to bed, bye."

"Goodnight." I was nearly inside my room when he called out. "Oh, and Sabrina? My sister isn't blind, you are beautiful."





Twice in one day. I can't sleep, I'm too excited and it's 1.40 in the morning right now.

Anyway, Imma let you go and get some sleep.

Bye! 💋💋

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