Chapter 3

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Sunday was a peaceful day... or at least, that's what I hoped it would be but instead we got hounded by press who wanted to know all about the girl that Shawn Mendes discovered in the small country that is Belgium. 

After the concert there were already press outside the venue to talk to me and bombarded me with questions, I was lucky James came out soon after me and helped me get to my brothers car where he and my friend were waiting for me. James smiled at me and left me there to join Andrew and Shawn. 

I never tought that my life would change so much after just one song I sung with my idol, to me it just seemed something innocent when I agreed to it but now lots of people started following me on Instagram and Twitter, they even asked to become my friend on Facebook. I didn't know what to do with it, I didn't understand why people would act like that. I just performed one song with Shawn, it's not like I did a full show with him or that I was dating him. 

It's crazy that yesterday I wasn't known at all and now, everybody seemed to know me.  

Someone in the crowd had filmed the entire song and posted it on youtube. It had quickly gone viral apparently and lots of people were sharing it on social media. I followed many Shawn fanaccounts and on nearly all of them I saw the video. It was weird to see me on screen with him, I never even thought that my picture with him would be posted on the net, I always though I'd just stay this unknown person. 

Now that was gone. I'd probably never go back to being that unknown girl. 

I was going to miss it. 

After hours the press finally left but two SUV with blinded windows pulled up in front of the house. Mom and I got up to see what it was while dad was in the kitchen. My siblings were all working which left me alone with my parents. 

Much to my surprise, Andrew got out of a car with Shawn and James. Mom and I frowned but we both knew he was there to see me. Dad joined us after mom called for him and I went to let the trio in. 

They quickly got in and out of the chilly air. It was the end of May and normally that meant that we got some warmer weather but this year the cold seemed to drag on. 

Dad stood up to shake their hands. "Hello, welcome." 

"Hi, thanks." Andrew said. 

I was still quite in shock. Shawn Mendes was in my house... He was actually inside my house, the place I live daily. Where I eat, drink, sleep... live. 

"Sabrina, you look lovely." James complimented me. 

I smiled. "Thanks." 

I was dressed in a grey hoodie with the Hogwarts emblem and jeans with gray chucks along with my harry potter charm bracelet and my Deathly Hallows necklace. 

"You're a Harry Potter fan!" Shawn voiced the obvious. 

Mom chuckled. "Sure, that's one way to put it." 

"Mom!" I groaned. 

"Darling, you're as obsessed with Harry Potter as you are with Shawn Mendes." 

"Mom!" I whined. 

"What? Oh, come on! He should be honored to have such a loyal fan as you. You've been there since the beginning and you've supported him in many ways." 

"Yeah, mom, that's enough. Let's not get into that right now." I tried to avoid an awkward situation. Instead I turned to the three smirking men but their smirks disappeared when I glared at them. Good boys. "Anyways, what are you three doing here?" 

"We have something to discuss with you, something that could possibly change your future." Andrew anounced. 

That alone got me worried and nervous which Shawn picked up on. "Andrew, come on man, you make it sound like we're going to get her to kill someone. No, we're here to discuss something with you that will give you something to think about. We don't expect an answer right away but we just want to offer you something." 

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