Akatsuki Or Otherwise

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I notice Mizu has disappeared from my shoulder. Itachi puts me down, I grab his hand since he brought me here. I notice his check was a little pink. I blushed as well. We went up the stairs as Kisame took the lead.

"Why are you holding my hand?" Itachi said in a calm voice.

It made me not talk since he sounded cute. Kisame opens the door and questions me. "Holding his hand? I see now."

I notice Itachi calmly close his eyes and his cheeks were a little more pink than the normal. I wanted to tease him. "Itachi is blushing." Itachi open his eyes to stare at me. I sweat drop. "Well, you knocked me out. This is your punishment." I took out my tongue at him.

Itachi let's go as he walks in. I followed him and was about to grab his hand when he move his hand causing me to fall. As I was falling, I close my eyes, getting ready for the worst, but when I open my eyes, I didn't touch the floor. The floor was inches away from my face. Itachi was holding me around my waist. I blushed as I looked at Itachi. "Sorry.."

He helps me up and put his hand away in his pocket as he looks straight ahead. I turn my head to see all Akatsuki members. I backed up.

"You must be Snow." A man said that was seated in the middle of the room.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Pain." Pain said.

I cross my arms. "Itachi has been training me for a while."

'Wait, why did I say that?' I cried out in my thoughts. Most of them laughed, one man said. "Itachi, won't train you."

I looked away. "Why you want me?"

"Your ability." Pain said.

"I won't use it on any of you guys."

Pain stands up and walked towards me. Once in front of me, he grabs my throat as he picks me up. "You are here to serve us, if you don't I will kill you." I was struggling to get some air. He drops me to the ground. I cough as I tried to get air. I didn't speak to him. He bends down to my level. "I won't take no as an answer."

"You bastard." I hissed at him. He stands up and walks away. I stand up and walked out to notice it will rain again. I went back in there. I went to the wall and was about to punch it when I stop myself from doing so. "Damn..." I put my hand down.

"Snow, you'll..." I stop Pain.

"Shut up. You don't own me. I don't belong here and you know that! I rather look for my family instead of helping! Yet, if I go back to my village...." I fall on my knees. "Even if you kill me right now, it won't help anyone, not even yourself. I'll be a waste..." I removed my mask as I cried. "I'm just useless." Everyone has heard my female cries. No one bothers to comfort me. I wipe away my tears as I stand up. "I have better plans." I place left hand on top of the wall. I noticed Itachi was stopping me since my hands glows blue and red colors. I turn to see Itachi.

"Why?" I asked. Itachi comes up to me and wipe away my tears. It shocked me. "You're not useless."

I grab his hand. "You're too kind. Can I stay with you?" Itachi ended it and I was facing the wall. I put on my mask. I simply walked away from them when a strange man pulls me back.

"Allow me to be your partner." I grab his wrist. "Don't hold Tobi like that."

"Tobi?" I know everything about him. "You will not join me. I am not a part of this." I let him go.

"You know you are the second girl to join us." He said.

"I don't care. I will not join." I said in a bitter tone.

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