The concrete underneath Angel was cold and rough, the way concrete normally is. Today was rather quite pleasant, the Argentinian sky was clear without clouds. Pleasant for the tourists, so pleasant that they are all at the beach today, far away from the central city. This was good for Angels work, it made it very easy. There were less witnesses for the crimes about to be committed. Suddenly the radio came to life, buzzing like a swarm of angry bees.
"I'm a sitting duck out here. Have you seen him yet," Barked the voice of the president. The Argentinian president was a short dark haired man with a thick handlebar mustache that curled elegantly at the ends, "quite your messing around up there and kill him!"
"I'm working on it." Angel shouted back, now rather quite annoyed with his employer.
He wasn't really working much unless you count preparing to kill your employer as work. Angel set the crosshairs of his 40. Mag sniper rifle on the president right above his sternum. It was fascinating for Angel to watch the rather quite round man breath in and out, any one could be his last. In and out. In and out. If I wanted to shoot this bastard where would I be? Angel thought to himself. Then with that he traced a line with the crosshairs through the air to a window. The room was dark. The curtains half drawn. The building was another hotel. There was someone in the window. Anyone looking would think it to be a tourist, not noticing the rifle in the hands of person. Not seeing the scope focused on the president.
"I want half my payment now before I blow this son of a bitches brains out, so that way you don't bail."
"Now we talked about this, you get all your payment after words." Says the president, a hint of nervousness in his voice cutting though like a knife.
"Pay or I let him kill you. Remember I'm God here, I choose if you live or die."
There was no response only the buzz of Angels phone saying the payment had been made. With that he breathed in. Watched his prey make their final breath, then pulled the trigger. He got great joy each time his slowly pulled back that trigger. Releasing death on his target. In his own way he was God, deciding the fate of those he watched over. After the shot was made he breathed out. Then he slid the gun over, across the plaza and to the park bench the president was on. The security guards would surly notice soon that something was wrong. Angel had no time to lose. He lined up the shot perfectly and then grabbed his radio and said three quick words before his killed his employer and took the money for the bounty on his head.
"I Am God."

5 Demons [Project discontinued]
ActionFallows five dangerous criminals and each of their outlooks on crime, then puts them together. For better or for worse they must work together to avoid being captured and get the ultimate revenge. WARNING: Contains extreme violence, profanity, crimi...