X scaled the side of the building with their long-bow strapped to his back. The scent of fabric filled their nose from the balaclava that covered their face. Their spiked gloves dug into the side of the wall. Never slipping, they were perfect, they were made to be perfect.
Thwunk! The first guard fell without a noise. X let two more arrows fly killing the remaining two guards. One let out a sickening scream. If the arrows didn't kill them then the venom would.
Xs mind flashed back to the chamber he was kept in for so long. The doctors operating on him, to make him better, faster, more intelligent.
"He will be the most dangerous soldier on the battlefield." Said the head doctor, Shel Sifter, or as X liked to call him, Doctor Death
X didn't like being a soldier, or a he, and now they were going to make the doctor pay for what he did to them. The burns on Xs face tingled at the thought.
With cat-like grace X jumped from the top of the wall onto the ground of the compound and walked towards the first guards body. M-16 assault rifle, good weapon. And with that they prepared to breach the compound.

5 Demons [Project discontinued]
ActionFallows five dangerous criminals and each of their outlooks on crime, then puts them together. For better or for worse they must work together to avoid being captured and get the ultimate revenge. WARNING: Contains extreme violence, profanity, crimi...