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       "Who the fuck are you! You come in here all black, guns blazing, you kill the asshat who was interrogating me, and then fucking shoot two more mother fuckers behind you like it's nothing. I want answers Buzzcut, I want them right fucking now!"
      "You know, I could kill you right now, I would have no problem with killing you right now. You're only alive because we can work together to get it if here and then we can go our separate ways. Simple, but with that mouth I am just going to put two rounds in you." Responded X, in a cool and calm voice.
      "Fuck. You. Bitch. Do you know who the fucking hell I am, I am the best long ranged assassin out there, best sniper in five militaries. I've killed 300 people, 79 of which were politicians. I'm fucking useful in this situation." Spat Angel, very thoroughly pissed off.
With that X cut the shorter mans handcuffs and freed him. As the two headed towards the door X turned,
      "Take this, and if you have any thoughts about using it on me, most unpleasant things will happen." Remarked X, handing Angel a Glock 25 with an extended 30 round magazine.
       The two never said a word shooting their way to the main entrance. Upon arriving to the large steel door X froze. Angel felt it too, a cold air, something was wrong.
       "Hello there, I'm so glad you could join us tonight." Said the woman that had escaped X earlier, now wearing a tactical exoskeleton.
        "You ready, you're not a half bad shot." Angel said, chuckling to himself.
         "Your arrogance will kill you in the end, let's just kill this one and get the hell out of here."
        BANG!! A shotgun shot rang through the air. X flew across the room with its impact, hitting the wall behind them. But not before firing three precise shots cutting into the piston of the right hand of the exoskeleton.
     "He was my best shot at getting out of here, although thanks for taking care of him, he deserved it, dick. But now you're gonna die Bitch." Yelled Angel.
      Angel shot off more rounds, flinging into action at the woman. Each of his shots hitting the precise spot cutting chains and damage pistons. The entire suit crumpled. With a quick movement he pulled out a grenade and dropped it on the suit, sliding behind a corner.
      "You did pretty well."

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