Portal 2 Fanfiction 2: The Return

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Wheatley knew that he was nearing his home and felt a shudder go through him as he thought of what awaited him. Two things could happen upon their arrival: one, Chell could go ballistic or two, she could have a total meltdown. Chell didn't have an anger problem and rarely became frustrated with him or Lily (Chell and Wheatleys daughter) so he guessed she would have a breakdown. He knew she would remember the evil A.I even in human form. Who could forget? Once they escaped, they had both often awoke at night screaming as they remembered the battle and feared her return. They weren't even safe in their dreams… Lily would be the only one who didn't understand their fear of the woman. She didn't even know of what had happened before they had gotten to where they were now. Of course, she was much too young to understand what had happened.

He could hear GLaDOS light footsteps behind him. She followed him with a scared and wild look in her eyes. Wheatley looked back at her a couple of times to be sure she was still there. And that she didn't have a knife or something. He saw her stop and stare a few times at startling sounds like that of a barking dog and a car zooming by. He was half understood and half bewildered by what her reaction was to the outside world. She had had access to all the information in the world and yet she seemed scared of the things she heard and saw. But seeing and experiencing are two different things. She was reacting in a much different way than Wheatley had; he had been so fascinated by everything he saw and had wanted to experience and try everything. GLaODS seemed to think that everything she saw was going to leap out at her. Normally, she would probably have tried to destroy anything that tried to leap out at her. She would usually have the utmost confidence and probably would have mocked the dog for barking and running at her when he couldn't even get off of his chain to get out of the yard. But she had jumped back at the sound, a terrified look taking over her features. What could have possibly happened to her? He felt a wave of pity taking over him. He knew he would have to help her, and when Chell saw what had happened to her, she would agree.

Chell was sitting on the couch with Lily watching her daughter's favorite show. Of course, it was a little kid's show that most kids think is absolutely pointless (I know I do. Anyone else?) But Chell had learned that they would help her daughter learn at an early age so she had been watching them with her since she was born. She was glad that she had a husband that was too scared to watch any scary movies or play any violent games. Lily looked up to Wheatley very much and did whatever her father did. When he was home, that is. He worked on the weekdays and didn't get home until Lily was already in bed. Lily only saw him on the weekends, and she loved every second she got to spend with her father. She didn't have to work very hard to get Lily to put on the cute floral dress that she was currently wearing. Lily had followed her mother and was extremely girly. When she and Wheatley had escaped Aperture she had discovered how nice it was to wear something besides a jumpsuit. She loved to wear skirts and dresses of any kind. They were both dressed up in lovely dresses waiting for Wheatley to arrive home. This being the day of her and Wheatley's anniversary of their escape from Aperture, they were going to out for a nice dinner.

Chell got to her feet when she heard the sound of the door being unlocked. She walked over to the door and Wheatley stepped in, looking rather terrified. "Wheatley, what's wrong?" She saw a figure standing behind him. "Who's that?" Then she realized who it was. She dropped to her knees, shaking in terror. "No, no no no no no. What? Why?" GLaDOS felt the need to say something to calm her. "Chell…" that was all she could think to say. Luckily, it was all she needed to say. Chell gave her full attention. That was, of course, the first time GLaDOS had ever said her name.

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