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Wheatley and Chell finally arrived home and Chell proceeded to unlock the door. Upon entering she saw something rather strange. A teenage girl stood at the door, waiting. She stared straight at her as she walked in. There was only one explanation for this: GLaDOS. But as Chell looked closer she realized that the girl was wearing an Aperture science dress. *Of course.*

GLaDOS walked up with a teenage boy with... blue hair? What were the teenagers getting into these days? But she strolled on up as if nothing was wrong.

"Welcome back."

Chell surpressed a surge of anger at her calmness.

"Who are they?" Wheatley asked from behind Chell.

"Oh, you don't recognize them? Their Atlas and P-body, remember?"

Chell just shook her head.

"I think you're missing a key point. Perhaps the fact that they're human makes them a little harder to recognize?"

GLaDOS looked annoyed at her tone but just continued speaking.

"I went out for a while after you left and found the two of them wandering the streets. Apparently the humanization machine went hay-wire in the explosion and caused these two to turn human. I'm sure they'll be very helpful in our quest."

Chell looked pretty angry about how GLaDOS was being so calm, but she decided this was not the time to blow up about it.

"Do they even have the same needs as humans?"

"Of course they do. They're completely human, just like you two."

Chell looked somewhat annoyed at this fact, but just shrugged it off.

"You have to teach them, then. How to be human."

GLaDOS looked at her with that "you are an idiot" look.

"This isn't the first time they've been human. They know how to handle themselves. I made sure of that when I decided to make my own human form."

Lily came up behind her mom and asked in a quiet voice "Who are they?"

Chell looked down and picked her daughter up.

"This is Atlas" She gestured to the blue haired boy who gave a shy smile and waved "and P-body." P-body smiled and gave a short bow.

Wheatley walked up to P-body and looked at her curiously. "Can they talk?"

At this point GLaDOS was becoming annoyed.

"You might want to think about this, moron. You were a robot. You are human now. They are exactly like you. Of course they can talk."

She gave P-body a slight nudge, silently communicating her to say something.


Chell and Wheatley stared in awe, and P-body shrank back a little from their stares.

"I said she could talk. What are you two so in shock about? Besides, they talked before they became human. They just didn't speak english."

"Okay, well I guess we'll have to find somewhere for these two to sleep." Chell looked around the house for just that.

Wheatley pointed out that they one of them could sleep on the couch. Chell nodded thoughtfully and said "The other could sleep on the floor with a quilt underneath them."

Lily looked completely bewildered but just looked on as Wheatley and Chell moved to prepare the beds.

P-body came up and gave Lilys hand a shake, Atlas behind her. GLaDOS watched from behind them and simply said


Lily stared at her as if she were some sort of ghost. Chell returned and gestured the three robot/humans to follow her. She led them into the living room and told P-body that she would be sleeping on the couch.

Chell was about to cook dinner when P-body cam up behind her. She was surprised to hear her voice yet again.

"May I cook?" She asked.

Chell looked unsure but deicded to give her a chance. She was obviously trying to not be a free-loader.

P-body cooked the steak and potatoes Chell had been planning on making. After dinner (which was quite delicious) Chell and Wheatley decided it was time for bed. GLaDOS slept on the top bunk to Lilys bunk bed and Atlas slept on the floor next to P-bodys couch bed.


P-body looked down to see Atlas staring up at her.

"What are we going to do about Aperture?"

P-body thought for a moment.

"All we can do now is follow GLaDOS instructions. She's never been wrong before, and i'm sure we'll get it back as long as we stay with her."

Atlas, satisfies with this answer, laid down on his pillow and whispered "Good night."

P-body returned with a soft "good night" and they both fell asleep, listening to the soft sounds of an owl hooting outside the window.

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