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Chell immediately snapped her head up and looked into GLaDOS eyes. GLaDOS continued, seeing that she had Chells full attention.

"Chell, I know you don't trust me. You have no reason to. You have no reason to help me whatsoever, and yet here I am, asking for it. Aperture is all i've ever had, Chell. It's my home. And... And they stole Riad!"

GLaDOS looked to be on the edge of tears, but Chell was confused. Who was Riad? She had never heard of her before, much less seen her at Aperture.


GLaDOS silenced her with a wave of her hand.

"My assistant. She was always there, overseeing your tests with me. But you never got to see her, I wouldn't let you."

That brought Chell to her next question, and she climbed to her feet this time.

"What is she? A robot? A human? How did she get to Aperture?"

"She is a cat. I believe they are breeded to be human pets? I was watching the surveilence monitors for outside of the shed and I saw something peculiar. I didn't know what it was at first so I did a little research. It was a kitten, and she was unconcious. She looked hurt. So I brought her in, thinking she could be useful. I fixed her up and put her through some tests. Unfortunately her eye got injured during the first test. It became unusable. I had to replace it, but the replaced eye had to be robotic. She has been my loyal apprentice ever since."

"Why wouldn't you let me see her?"

"Because that would bring up so many questions. Riad was involved in a lot of Apertures past, and knowing her story would distract you from the testing."

"Okay. And she was taken?"

GLaDOS nodded. "Unfortunately, yes."

Chell saw a glint of anger flash in GLaDOS optics.

"If you won't help me, then please, help Riad. She doesn't deserve what they will do to her. I'm sure they'll test on her, because she was there. Everyones heard the rumors about Aperture. They won't let her go."

Chell knew she couldn't just stand by and let this happen. She gave a slight nod. "Okay... i'll help."

GLaDOS looked... happy. She looked overjoyed, to say the least. Chell had never known GLaDOS to love anything. Maybr she actually loved this cat...? But, whatever it was, Chell was going to help her get the little cat back.


Where am I? GLaDOS? Help...

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