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GLaDOS awoke the next morning to see Atlas and P-body already awake, P-body already cooking breakfast for people who weren't even up yet. She decided to go and see if she could get a signal from Aperture. The building had been destroyed, but perhaps one of the cameras had been preserved. If it had she could play back what happened before she ran off and see what direction Riad was taken.

Riad wakes up in an unfamiliar place. She hears the sounds of people walking, and she feels something strange attached to her head. She hears a strange blinking sound and turns her head slightly to the left and sees a monitor. She reaches her paw up to try and claw whatever was on her head off, but she could barely maintain conciousness. A man in a white lab coat came over and noticed she was awake. He accidentally lets his hand get too close to her. While this was usually a fatal mistake Riad could once again barely keep herself awake and she missed by quite a bit when she swiped at him. The man chuckled slightly before pressing a button and she felt blackness envelop her again.

GLaDOS managed to pick up a signal from one of the cameras and she zoomed in. The footage was extremely blurry and she could hardly make out what was going on. She growled in frustration and slammed her lap-top closed. Being human she needed to eat, an extreme annoyance, so she walked into the kitchen with a slight stomp and picked up a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Good morning, GLaDOS!" P-body said cheerily.

GLaDOS mumbled "Good morning" under her breath and sat down at the table, eating in the most annoyed way possible. Atlas came over and sat down across from her, eating cheerily. Lily walked tiredly into the kitchen and got her breakfast, sitting down and eating. She was trying her best not to fall asleep on her food.

GLaDOS sat up suddenly as she recieved a transmission from Riad.

GLaDOS? Help me...

GLaDOS jumps out of her chair and opens the link, apparently whoever took her was unable to find the communication piece behind Riads ear.

"Riad? Riad, just hold on! If you can keep the link open for just a second..."

GLaDOS runs to the laptop and hurriedly types something, bringing up a map with a blinking icon. She quickly saves the page and prints a map to the blinking location. P-body looks startled and everyone in the house is awake at this point, looking at the white haired women with bewilderment in their eyes.

She jumped up again with energy enough to perhaps run a marathon.

"Riad, just hold on! I've managed to trace your signal! I'm coming!"

Just then the signl fazes out and GLaDOS stares at everyone. She then starts speaking with a speed no-one knew was even possible.

"Okay, I know where Riad is. She somehow managed to lock onto my signal and I have pinpointed her location. We are leaving to go get her NOW!"

GLaDOS rushed out the door while everyone just stared. Then her voice sounded from outside.

"Well? Come ON!"

Chell and Wheatley share a quick glance and shrug. Chell goes and gets Lily and everyone follows GLaDOS outside. Chell was now sort of wishing they had bought a car.

They all followed her (some had trouble keeping up, no one knew she could move so fast) and finally came upon a large building. There were keep out sighns everywhere but GLaDOS didn't care. She strolled right on up to the front gate and greeted a security guard. Who did not want to grant her acess to the facility.

Obviously GLaDOS was having none of that, and she quickly proceeded to kick the mans a** and forcefully gained entry. They were greeted by some more security guards who GLaDOS easily took down. But to avoid drawing any further attention, P-body suggested disguising themselves as employees and GLaDOS agreed.

She led them to several different areas and finally came across one that had a sigh reading "Animal Testing, no unauthorized personnel past this point."

GLaDOS shrugged and opened the door which was, for some reason, unlocked. Upon enetering she sees several cages all containing animals. Everyone enters and P-body automatically points out the cage that has a tannish colored tail poking out of it.

GLaDOS hurriedly runs over to it and opens it up. A medium sized cat greets her.

Riad comes up to GLaDOS and purrs, GLaDOS looks teary eyed. She picks up Riad and holds her close to her chest, Riad purring softly.

"I'm so sorry, Riad."

Portal 2 Fanfiction 2: The ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now