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GLaDOS took Riad home and P-body got her some food. She figured Riad was smart enough not to eat anything she was given by the people who captured her, so she must be hungry. GLaDOS and Chell pat and stroke Riad and Lily takes a certain liking to her.
P-body cooks dinner and GLaDOS starts to discuss how they were going to get Aperture back over dinner. They decided that the next day would be used to rest, and the day after they would go to Aperture. The plan was that Wheatley and Chell were to divert attention from GLaDOS so she could make it to her old body, download herself into it, and repair the GLaDOS chassis.

The next day GLaDOS awoke and watched tv with Riad curled up in her lap for a while. When P-body called for breakfast GLaDOS got Riad something to eat and then sat at the table with Atlas P-body Chell and Wheatley. A lot of the time they were eating was spent discussing the next day. Lily played with Riad for a while after she was done, and then took a nap in her bed. Riad slept next to her, purring the entire time.

GLaDOS decided it would be a good idea to go scout the area they were attacking so that they wouldn't be blind the next day. Chell looked into Lilys room before they left, and with a warm smile to Riad, she shut the door softly. She made sure not to shut it all the way so Riad could get out. They left without knowing they had a follower.

Upon reaching Aperture GLaDOS was shocked at the ruins that had once been Aperture. It was destroyed. Obliterated. Unrecognizable, except for the Aperture logo on GLaDOS destroyed body. GLaDOS was holding back tears while at the same time forcing herself not to execute the plan now. She heard footsteps, or rather, pawsteps, behind her. She turned around to see Riad running up to her and she jumped into her arms. GLaDOS held Riad close for a moment before letting her down to see what had become of Aperture. A look of shock mixed with sadness crossed Riads face.

GLaDOS turned around and hollered "Come on!" over her shoulder when she saw someone had spotted them. Riad and everyone else followed her quickly. Riad wanted to rip the peoples throats out for doing what they did to Aperture. She unsheathed her claws and almost turned around. She would have if it weren't for the warning look she recieved from GLaDOS. Riad sheathed her claws grudgingly and picked up the pace.

When they got back to Chells house they all collapsed onto the floor, panting heavily. Riad seemed to vanish, though. GLaDOS didn't question it. She trusted Riad to come back safely, she could figure what she was doing, anyway.

Riad layed down in a shallow pool somewhere near the town, but far from what was aperture. She looked up at the sky, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"I want everything to be the way it was..but then they had to come back.." she mumered, but her voice bounced off the walls, making it sound louder.

Riad thinks back to an earlier dream. Something was about to happen... something terrible. She couldn't shake the feeling, that foreboding feeling. She lay there a while more. The dream only made her feel worse. She finally got up and returned to the house, not feeling any better than she had before.

When she returned home GLaDOS made her dinner, and everyone sat down at the table. Dinner was eaten in silence. Until GLaDOS spoke. She started up a conversation about the next day. Riad ate silently. She listened quietly to the conversation until she retired to Lilys room. Lily followed her and the two slept together on Lilys bed.

The next morning GLaDOS awoke to the sound of rain outside her window. She sat up in her bed, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She stood and walked over to the window with a darkness in her eyes. She knew they would not be able to go save Aperture in the rain. She sat back down on her bed and brought her knees up to her chest. She listened to the rain for a while, and she started to think. She was the only thing left of Aperture. The only one there to run it. Everything else was gone. None of the research she did ever did any good. It never helped anyone. What if she was destined not to save Aperture? What if... it was time for her to move on?

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