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GLaDOS is in her chamber with a young cat. The cat is her assistant, Riad. She is a fluffy cat with greenish colored spots on her tail, A green stripe on either of her front legs. Blue covers most of the top half of her face, a stripe of white (her main body color) splitting it. Riad was a test subject at Aperture, at first, but during one of her early tests a laser had gotten her eye. GLaDOS had been kind enough to replace it with a mechanical eye. Riad was helpin GLaDOS to oversee the test subjects as usual. Riads ears suddenly prick up, and GLaDOS immediately takes notice.

"Riad?" She asked "What is it?"

"I hear... something, master. Something i've never heard before."

GLaDOS decides this to be a serious matter, and turns the monitor over to the surveilence camera over the outside entrance. As soon as she switches it, the ground underneath them begins to rumble. Riad hisses in alarm.

GLaDOS decides that it's time for her back-up plan.

"Riad! Switch on the transfer mechanism!" She yells over the noise.

The rumbling was growing louder, they were running out of time. Riad runs over to the tiny lever (made small so no one would notice) and pulls down on it. Red lights flash and alarms are heard. The body GLaDOS had occupied fell limp, and a door on the wall opposite Riad opened. A girl who looked to be in her early twenties emerged. Her hair was unnaturally white with black streaks, and it flowed straight down her back. Her shirt and mini skirt were both white, her shirt being short enough to show off her belly button. The sleeves were also whit, and flaired, but not attached to the top.

Suddenly, the elevator comes down, and the door slams open. Dust flies everywhere, and GLaDOS loses Riad in the confusion. She runs, looking around frantically for her.

"Riad!" She calls.


GLaDOS runs toward the direction of the scream, but she can't find Riad anywhere. But she knew what the humans would do to her. But, in this state, even if she found Riad, she wouldn't be able to help her. So she looked around for the exit. When she located it, she ran quickly over to it. She was going to find help. Even if she had to beg them on her knees... Riad would be saved.

She stepped into the door way and turned back for a moment. Was she really going to do this? Leave her? GLaDOS had never told anyone, had never showed it, but Riad hadn't just been her assistant. She was her friend. But she knew she had to do it. She wouldn't be much help if she got herself captured. So she turned back around, a tear streaming down her cheek.

"GLaDOS... Master... Help..."

That was the last thing she heard as she turned away, and ran.

Portal 2 Fanfiction 2: The ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now