Chapter 2

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Chresanto POV

My mom pulled up to the front of the school "Chresanto please no more trouble you have 1 more chance or I'm taking you out this school", I was so tired of hearing my mom say that same sentence over and over again. See I was returning to school from being expelled for the whole second semester, I had got caught smoking in the bathroom but now I'm back. "Ok mom no more trouble I'll see you when I get home". I got out the car and walked in the school to the office and met with our principle. "Great to see you back Chresanto" he said with that big ass annoying smile, "Great to be back sir" I smiled "Cassandra will be your tour guide since its second semester she will show you your new classes" , "I don't need help" I said but without any reply my 'guide' Cassandra came out with the principle. She was...huge I mean there is fatter people but she has to be what?..a curvy size 16 dd breast something like that her style wasn't bad though "Hi." , My thoughts were interrupted by her voice which was soft and calm 'Hi' it echoed in m mind for a while "Im Cassandra", she said making me realize I haven't spoken "Chresanto". "Well you too get going Cassandra has your schedule

Cassandra POV

I've heard all about Chresanto, The bad boy, The trouble maker, The guy everyone wants to be yea he isnt all that great him and I walked out the office and down the main hallway "Look I know where to go, and what I'm doing so go to class I got this" he snatched his schedule from my hands and walked off. "Rude ass" I mumbled under my breath and walked to class


I walked in class a little late after that thing with Chresanto. I gave my teacher my pass and sat down. "Hey sandra", my friend Georgia said as I took my seat next to her. "Hey". It was a pretty chill first period I walked out into the main hallway with Georgia to my locker where she met up with her boyfriend Rayan. "Hey babe", she said as they exchanged a kiss "Hey" , he said I looked up at him Rayan the basketball star 6ft tall and not bad looking "Hey sandra" he said bending down to hug me , I just smiled and waved when Rayan's friend Jacob also walked over "wassup Sandra" he said giving me a hug also "Hey Jacob" I said hugging back. We were all walking to our next class...gym when Jacob and Rayan brought up a topic I found interesting "Yea bro I heard he was back" Rayan cooed "Bruh I'm pumped my nigga is baaack" Jacob said with laugh. "Chresanto is back baby" Rayan said high fiving Jacob. "Someone said my name?" Then out of no where Chresanto turned the corner dapping up Jacob and Rayan and even hugging Georgia. Hmm maybe I'm missing something I thought to myself. "Oh Cassandra meet Chresanto" Rayan said "Oh we've met" I said adding sass in my tone "Yea this morning" Chresanto finished, He kinda looked at me in disgust, I wonder what that ment. "Oh cool well I'ma head to class lets go Cassandra", Georgia said grabbing my hand as I waved and made my way to class with her.


Chresanto POV

"Bro what the hell was that about?", Ray asked "What do you mean?", "I mean the way you looked at Cassandra I mean you looked at her like she stole something nigga" , "Oh sorry she's just.." , "Big. Yea we know but this is highschool man grow up it dosnt matter she is a nice girl we like her you should to" Ray said I just nodded my head as we walked into class

A/n took me. while to wrie can I get 1 vote and 1 comment and 5 more reads soo yea thx guys

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