Shadamy Chapter 16/special Chap.

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I'm so sorry that this took so long. Also the special chap matched with the story so now it's a complete part for the story. There might be mistakes.

~Third Person POV~

Amy and Shadow were walking through the forest when Amy remembers when she was younger she would end up traveling on her carriage with her parents towards some castle for a meet and greet. She would always have her maid and best knight with her.

Her maid ,Dejanayha Hill, who eventually became her best friend after the two had bumped into each other one day.

~Amy’s POV~
     I was in the library with my mother. She was reading me a story. My favorite one.

"And then they lived happily ever after" My mother says

     My mother closes the book and kisses my forehead. She smiled softly and picked up the little bell on the table next to us and moving her wrist back and forth causing a dinging sound to be heard.

     The door opens to show a maid and a child about my age right behind her. The maid smiles at my mother and I. I smile back and look over at the girl who is behind her mother scared. I look over at her and our eyes lock. I give her a small smile.

They always had hung out together when they had time. Talking and playing ever since they were only 5.    

Her knight ,Brianna Stocks, who was her personal guard ever since she became 14.


     I walked back home my head hung low and a frown visible. I removed my hood and entered the castle and headed straight to my room.

     About three minutes after I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in"

     The door opens to show Dejanayha.

"Hey Nay Nay"

"Hey um your parents want to talk to you."

"Ugh alright"

     I get up and start to follow Nay Nay towards the main room where I'm immediately met by my parents.

     Nay Nay turns to me and smiles then walks out.

     I turn towards my parents.

"Honey" My mother says

"You father and I have been thinking ever since the incident, and we want you to be safe so we decided to get you a personal guard." My mother finishes

     A door is opened to reveal a girl that looks to be a bit older than me.

"Amy meet your new personal guard Brianna Stocks." My father says

   The three of them would always hang out when they had the chance and talk about their days. Amy smiled at her two friends as he continued walking.

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