Shadamy Chapter 17

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~Shadow's POV~

     I look down watching as Amy was asleep in my arms. I smiled. She looked beautiful and I loved her.

     I sighed happily as the women I love is sleeping right in my arms. I've been awake for a while so I should  probably take a nap so I can protect her tomorrow. I look at the fire pit as there is only a tiny fire there. I get up and pick up Amy bridal style and step on the fire to put it out.(I feel bad for the fire for some reason 0-0)

     I head over to our little campsite and start to drag some leaves and occasionally some sticks to make a bedding to sleep on ,though it is a bit hard since I'm trying to hold onto Amy so she doesn't fall. Once I'm satisfied with the bedding. I gently and slowly place Amy on the bedding.

     I remove my armor so that it wouldn't bother her. I know it's a bad idea to do that because of possible dangers but I'll be able to defend myself as long as I have my sword close. I place my sword close to my side of the bedding.

     I gently lay down so that I wouldn't wake Amy up. I turn around so that my back is facing Amy and start to drift off to sleep. After a couple of seconds I'm awoken by arms snaking their way around my waist. I lift up my arm and look down to see whose arms they belong to and it was none other than Amy's. I look behind me and see she is still asleep and smiling. I decide to turn over to face her.

     I then snake my arms around her slim waist and bring her closer to me. By then she had already brought her arms to her chest and her face was close to my chest fur. She must have had brushed against my chest fur because she immediately moved closed so that she was basically in my chest fur.

     I drift off to sleep as I hold Amy close as if she would disappear if I let her go. It was peaceful and it felt like it was supposed to be that way maybe this was meant to be.

I listen as Amy is shifting around. How do I know it's Amy well it's because I still have my arms around her waist. He he she's so cute how is anyone this ad- . My thoughts are cut off as I feel soft lips kiss my forehead and the words I love you afterwards. What?

{441 words} :3
Sorry these chapters took a long time.
BTW did you know that all of my chapter consist of about 400 words each besides the very first chapters and chapter 16.

Fun Fact yay     \(° ∆ °)/

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