Chapter One.

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Emma's POV

The club was hot, filled with people grinding each other.I just came to have fun and I just realised that I am completely and utterly drunk.I can't see clearly either but I'm sure I see a purple unicorn dancing over there, by that cute guy... let me get another drink.

"Excuse me can I have another drink, please". I asked the bartender.

" Haven't you had enough yet".I turned to see a brunette staring right at me, he's hot.

"I don't see how that concerns you pretty boy". I said.You know he looks very familiar but I just can't put my finger on it.....

I really gotta get home it's almost midnight. Yay I'm Cinderella, hehe...I think that unicorn is checking me out, he's crazy.

" Well if you'll excuse me, it's midnight and I have to go home, otherwise, will kill me and I don't want to die-"I said then paused.

"Well at least not yet.Bye" I finished and staggered out of the club.I need m&ms but where shall I find them.hmmm

"Aha, found you". I continued to stagger until I got to the store.

After buying them, I sneaked into the house then rushed upstairs went to bed without changing first.

I woke up to the chirping of birds and the beautiful sun.
Lies,I hate that annoying yellow sucker.After falling, countless times I finally made it to the bathroom.I decided to wear a grey t-shirt,black leggings and black boots, I took my phone and bag then I went down stairs.

When I got there I saw my little sister sitting on the couch watching TV.

" Hey Emma​, look SpongeBob is on".She said pointing at the TV.

"Yeah I can see that, do you know where Jay is?"

" He's in the kitchen".She said not taking her eyes off the TV.I said thanks, not sure she heard me though and went to the kitchen.

"I'm sure my sister will take me, no not Cece,yes Emma.I'm positive,k'bye". Well that doesn't sound good.

" Hello lovely sister can I interest you in some pancakes?"I knew it.

"What do you want, Chloe?"I asked not wanting to hear the answer.

" Well since you asked, can you please drop me off at Jenny's? I'll buy you m&ms".

"Deal". What I'm a sucker for m&ms, sew me.

" Thanks, well bye".She said while standing up and then leaving. Just then Jay walked into the kitchen looking like hell.

"There's my favourite brother". Okay even I know that's a lie, Ty is totally my favourite and after Ty is Nick.

" That's major bull, and even I know that".He said while pouring himself some juice.

"Tell me what you need".

" Really?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yep". He said

" So no catch".

He rocked his head side to side and said"Well not right now, so tell me".oh I know that I am so going to regret this.

"I need you to drop the guys at school, since you're not going today".

" Who said I'm not going anywhere, I have important things to do too".he said and I gave him the 'really' look.

"Fine, I don't have anywhere to go, so I'll drop off the little monsters".really? I'm not sure if this guy remembers that those monsters are his siblings but whatever at least I got what I wanted.

" Thanks bro, later guys".

I went to the garage and after passing by seven cars, I found mine.did I mention that my parents are rich? no? okay well now I have.My baby.My Lamborghini.


I am very sure that I'm late, oh well I guess I'll run.I said a lot of excuse me and look out until I collided with a wall I think....

"If you really wanted me, all you had to do was ask". Wait a minute, that voice, no it can't be, hey it's pretty boy.

" Cocky much?".I muttered under my breath.

"Hey you look familiar".uh-oh, abort mission,abort mission. May day.Offload all m&ms, this plane is about to crash, I repeat, protect all m&ms.

" What, that is ridiculous, do I look like a purple unicorn?".wait, what?.

"Um...... I'm not sure I know how to answer that.But I think I saw you at a party, I never forget a face".

" How can you remember if you were drunk, pretty boy?"Haha I got you, I am great at lying.

"How do you know I was drunk?"Scratch that, I am a terrible liar, oh God, m&ms I love you,I love you vampire diaries, what am I forgetting,I think I'm done wait- I forgot my family, okay now I'm done.

" Err.......bye".I turned around and ran into an actual wall and everything went black.


Guys this is the first chapter of a book that I actually published.So I hope you vote for me.

P.s The m&m obsession is real and I am not ashamed to admit it.Bye.

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